Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Get Sharpie Off Converse

Fines, via dei Pisoni

Some commuters have reported that today / tonight were fined several cars that were parked in the street outside the Pisoni spaces allowed.
We call on all involved commuters to tell us the details of the incident. As
think sometimes it guesses wrong, how come the cars parked in Piazzale Marconi wild go unpunished??
We are just so on the box??
Ettore Piacenza Commuters Association President

Anyone Pregnant With Piles?


Hello to all! Sorry if I do not live so often, I find it hard lately because I really have a lot of things to do ... this is the last work that I realized:

It 's a blueberry muffin (it is specifically requested) which can be used as a keychain or be hung on the bag ... not cute found?

I'm doing very many jobs in this period and I'm sorry if I can not answer all of you ... I try to have it as soon as I can ... I write in so many thanks to all!

At the next

Ufc Over The Door Gyms

What security? What pattern?

security and dignity: these are the objectives that the Administration had set for the station area and are thus inspired all the latest decisions.
Let's try to summarize, with the help of some pictures, the results: you will understand why as an Association we are so critical and why we continue to demand a serious comparison.

We are tired of being subjected to decisions of supposed experts who have gone to the station probably only the opening day of the apron (parking in prohibited ed).

(read more)