Wednesday, December 30, 2009

1996 Long Dong Silver

2009: assessment of a year of Astronautics

E' giunto il momento di fare il bilancio di questo 2009 in campo spaziale. Cerchiamo di ricordare i punti principali; L'anno è iniziato in grande stile con l'inaugurazione dell'Anno Internazionale dell'Astronomia manifestazione che ha animato una miriade di incontri, eventi, rassegne e iniziative per avvicinare le persone alle stelle. Ma il 2009 è was also an important year for the High Energy Astrophysics and the protagonists were AGILE, a little gem all Italian launched in April 2007, ending, NASA mission with a "heart" Italian (revealed sensitive LAT Large Area Telescope has been realized in our country) and SWIFT, another NASA mission with Italian participation. The new satellites in the constellation Sky-Med showed their worth with the continuous monitoring of the earthquake-stricken areas of Abruzzo April 6. In May, the ESA launched the pair of space telescopes Herschel and Planck, two other missions with significant Italian contribution, which immediately started to provide unprecedented data on the early Universe and on objects far away and rising stars. How can we not forget the shuttle mission to repair Hubble Space Telescope and the further expansion of the International Space Station which, for the first time, was able to accommodate a full crew of 6 people and which also saw the first European commander, Frank De Winne . After debuting in 2008, ATV this year it fell to the Japanese HTV bring supplies to the ISS. Russia has shown its proverbial reliability of the Soyuz launch to the International Space Station. Always on the side of human flight ESA has also chosen six new astronauts, and Italy has done a master with the choice of Samantha and Luke Cristoforetti Unless Parmitano. But in July astronautics also celebrated the 40th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing with a series of events, even in Italy, and that you are worthily ended with the confirmation of the discovery of water on the Moon by several American missions. NASA managed to launch the first test of new rocket Ares family even if the Commission Augustine, established by President Obama, made a report on the U.S. space program was very negative and that still awaits a solution. Well that ends this year was a year of very hard, and Astronautics lived all that is preparing a 2010 will give us as rich and perhaps more than the past. But novelty aside what is coming will surely be remembered as the year of the closing of the Shuttle program after thirty years of honorable, for better or for worse service, Earth / Space. I just hope that the choices of the White House, to which we are bound also we Europeans, we do not take a step back in the long road to the conquest of space.

Friday, December 11, 2009

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SpaceShipTwo Unveiled

Finally, Virgin Galactic has revealed to the public his shuttle for suborbital flights: the SpaceShipTwo (pictured above Credit: Virgin Galactic). Maybe someone will ask whether it is appropriate at a time of economic crisis such as this type of advertising a trip for millionaires (in Euro) ... Perhaps if we really want access to space becomes a routine like now is to catch a plane must, of necessity, move from this phase. Indeed, other means of transport such as car before, and the plane, later, started out as a fashion for wealthy people, and only after many years, have passed the stage of mass access. In the area poses more technical problems and security by several orders of magnitude higher to those of a plane and then it is logical that the growth is slower. I hope that the adventure of Virgin Galactic (because when it comes to adventure ...) has really happened and could pave the way for low-cost access to space. Certainly from a 6-minute suborbital flight to stay in orbit is the step up but I am confident that the very success of the first possible step would allow the next. In fact, Rutan has never denied thinking that after SS2 SS3 will be an orbital ... Sorry that was not the only NASA to have an approach to the low orbit in a few years but perhaps could use the system by renting cheap Rutan ... maybe!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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2009: Astronautical important year for the dissemination in Italy

I write this article perché mi è parso di notare che, durante questo anno, vi sono state un maggior numero di manifestazioni divulgative pubbliche a tema astronautico. Solo per ricordarne alcune: il SatExpo di Roma con l'esposizione di una tuta spaziale del nostro astronauta Vittori, la mostra Back to the Moon di Rovereto con ospite eccezionale l'astronauta Charlie Duke che camminò sulla Luna durante Apollo 16, l' Astrofest di Erba dove era possibile incontrare appassionati del tema, seguire conferenze econoscere il lavoro degli astrofili, la mostra itinerante Luna 1969 ed ultima, in ordine di tempo, l' Astronauticon 4 dove era ospite nientemeno che l'astronauta della NASA Mike Finke, già Comandante della Stazione International Space. Certainly, this growth of interest in space travel during this year was undoubtedly driven by a decision by the recurrence of the 40th anniversary of the moon landing of Apollo 11. In fact, even the media has never talked so much (sometimes inappropriately) the theme. But I think that with the effort of many fans and the support of institutions, astronautics can do, even in Italy, the quantum leap in popularity among the public that already has in other countries, including Europe.
I can not do so a hope that these groups willing to grow increasingly trying to avoid the risk of being too self-referential ... this is the only danger.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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The race to the Moon has always stuck for space travel?

Yesterday started the space shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-129 . Seeing it go up in the sky of Florida I could not help thinking that, among only five missions this will be no more ... After nearly thirty years of loyal service the space shuttle, the first spacecraft, ends up in the attic and NASA will replace it with (perhaps) an Apollo-style capsule ... 's Orion .
read the excellent book by Stefano Cavina " Cosmonauts " I could not fail to notice that in the late 50's the U.S. began to arrive in space (over 100 km) with the X-15 aerospace plane but then it all came suddenly removed from Sputnik, Gagarin by and the start of the race to the moon. The U.S. could not lose supremacy against the Soviet Union and that is that President Kennedy (who cared very little space if it had not served his propaganda purposes) shows the Moon as a target by 60 years. At that point, all efforts are concentrated in the only quick way to achieve the target the missile. All research and achievements gained from the X-15 go into oblivion (just to be retrieved by an individual, Burt Rutan, who in 2004 will be able to make the first private suborbital flight with his Space Ship One). Here I am, then the question of the title ... and if the race to the Moon (fantastic goal and the limit of capacity at the time) was the "Boulder" that has blocked the emergence of the "real" space travel so far and for many years to come? Sure, it can seem like a provocation, but think about it, if there had been no race to the Moon, perhaps NASA would continue the development of aerospace plane always most performing up to reach Earth orbit ... could cost as a launch from an aircraft in flight compared to the complication of a launch of a rocket from a launch pad vertical ... also for the shuttle (which is not a real rocket ship, but something in between) it takes about 4 months of preparation for a flight. With a system of space plane air-drops (and maybe later they would also have to take off on their own) was the conquest of space, si, più lenta, ma avrebbe poggiato su solide basi che avrebbero impedito di essere, di continuo, messa in discussione per gli altissimi costi. Forse oggi avremmo davvero avuto tutto quello immaginato dallo scrittore Arthur C. Clarke nel suo romanzo 2001...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Women Without Underwear

Lucarelli also became deeply involved with the Moon Hoax ... He made his debut

Carlo Lucarelli , affermato scrittore di gialli e indagatore della nostra Storia d'Italia e dei suoi (troppi e tragici) misteri si è voluto cimentare con la cospirazione dei falsi allunaggi... Si tratta di un podcast andato in onda su DeeJay e durante il quale Lucarelli ripercorre tutte le solite stupidaggini di chi crede che le missioni Apollo siano tutti una balla. Il suo approccio è quello del "non ci credo ma lo racconto lo stesso" e, a parte una svista quando cita "Cape Cod" come base di lancio testimone della tragedia di Apollo 1, la sua preparazione è passabile. Unico neo (però bello grosso!) è il non rivelare una sua posizione sull'argomento ma anzi continuare ad insinuare che questa ipotesi, in fondo, potrebbe anche essere plausibile. Mi dispiace veramente che Lucarelli, che stimo e del quale ho quasi tutti i suoi libri e che ho sempre apprezzato moltissimo per le sue inchieste coraggiose si sia voluto cimentare in un'argomento che sembra non conoscere molto bene e che per il quale, in questi tempi fra Giacobbi e Ruggerri, sarebbe bene trattare con un poco più di rispetto e serietà, se non altro per chi ha perso la vita in quella fantastic company and thousands of people who are committed to it.
In the picture (Credit: The Republic) the link appeared on the website of the newspaper and refers to the podcast on DeeJay Carlo Lucarelli.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

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Ares IX! Begins after the Shuttle?

After a second waiting for over three hours, NASA has finally kicked off yesterday at 16.30 Italian time (photo credit: NASA take-off while in the foreground stands the shuttle Atlantis in ramp STS-129), the mission of testing new rocket Ares IX . The first attempt, 27 October, was postponed after several problems, not all related to the carrier, and even yesterday it seemed that the weather would not permit the launch. The problem è chiamato «triboelettrificazione» dagli ingegneri NASA. In pratica la presenza di nubi, o anche soltanto di velature incontrate dal razzo durante la sua salita, avrebbe potuto provocare delle cariche elettrostatiche che avrebbero messo in pericolo l'elettronica e la telemetria del razzo. Ares I-X era un test e quindi era riempito di 700 sensori per registrare una moltitudine di dati utili per lo sviluppo futuro del razzo e quindi era fondamentale che tutto funzionasse a dovere e che, anche in caso di problemi imprevisti, potesse essere dato il comando di autodistruzione da terra. Il volo è durato in tutto sei minuti; i primi due con il primo stadio derivato dai booster dello Space Shuttle in funzione. Al momento del distacco fra il primo ed il secondo stadio (inerte) è sembrato che i due si toccassero innescando una imprevista rotazione. Il secondo stadio fittizio è precipitato in mare come da programma mentre il primo ha aperto i suoi paracadute (forse due su tre ma questo è ancora allo studio da parte dei tecnici della NASA) ed è disceso nell'Oceano Atlantico per essere recuperato. Alla NASA sono sembrati tutti contenti di questo debutto e devo dire che mi ha fatto una certa impressione rivedere un razzo di 100 metri di altezza decollare dal KSC. Unico dubbio che rimane è, abbiamo visto il primo volo del vettore Ares... speriamo che non sia l'ultimo...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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Apollo 20 ... yet another hoax!

C'era da aspettarselo... appena sono uscite le fantastiche immagini della superficie lunare riprese from NASA's LRO and show clearly the remains of the Apollo missions to the surface of our natural satellite here that have appeared new, and perhaps even more idiotic conspiracy theories space. Yes, because those who until recently believed blindly that the man had never gone to the moon and the Apollo missions were all a colossal frame here is that, now embarked on a new theory that the Apollo 20 and discovery of an alien spacecraft on the lunar surface to 5 km in length (!) and of course ... outbuildings hibernating aliens
The dancing began circulating last year in anticipation of its LRO mission that could easily remove (As indeed he did) all the nonsense on the moon hoax. This would be an Apollo mission took place in 1976 with a crew Joint Russian-US and that he photographed a mysterious cigar-shaped spaceship 5 km long located on the side of the Moon. The crew would then have found an alien in a state of hibernation and would have returned to Earth for study. Needless to say, believe that we can take off from a Saturn 5 Vandemberg (which, among other things, has never had the infrastructure necessary to launch ...) and is located near Santa Barbara, California, no one noticing it takes a good imagination ...
Unfortunately this hoax ( even repudiated by the CUN - Centro National UFO) has found that nothing in life on Italia 1 TV program in the Mysteries, where we saw a so-called researcher who claimed that everything was "certainly true" ...
What about ... make it a bit sad that these people, to get a little limelight television (and maybe sell a few books or hope to see them funded a film) lend themselves to such antics ...
Astronautics, the real one is already so fascinating that in itself does not need to invent alien missions unlikely to capture the passion and minds of young people ... take a ride on serious sites and read a good book rather than "throwing" the brain on these nonsense spread by persone senza scrupoli...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Make My Kundli Online And Analyse

What future for human space exploration and NASA? Blog

Siamo a pochi giorni dal primo lancio di prova del nuovo razzo vettore della NASA, Ares I-X (nella foto NASA sulla rampa di lancio 39B del Kennedy Space Center), e l'agenzia spaziale americana sembra, come mai negli ultimi 30 anni ad un bivio. Infatti la Commissione Augustine ha consegnato lo studio commissionato dalla Casa Bianca sul Programma Constellation . In pratica lo studio della Commissione avrebbe decretato l'annullamento, o almeno il pesante ridimensionamento, del ritorno sulla Luna per il 2020 da parte della NASA. Il progetto venne lanciato in pompa magna dal Presidente Bush Jr. nel 2004 sull'onda della tragedia della navetta Columbia and the planned divestiture of the Shuttle program , but then the funding would not be at the program and after five years the Commission Augustine realized that to proceed on this level of budget, do not go back to the moon in 2020 and even in 2030 ... in practice is not going anywhere!
The Commission has calculated that NASA's budget should be increased by at least $ 3 billion from this year onwards in order to hope to maintain these objectives. Now touch the President Obama to decide whether to maintain its leadership in space (increased funding) maybe with the help of private, or leave the field with emerging nations like China and India ...

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Well yes ... I finally gave in and I created a blog which will explain my views on Astronautics and ask for your comments ... I hope it will work ... what about ...
Welcome to all those who visit the site and also to those who, for now, I do not know.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ascaron Patch Port Royale Vista

The Jester is awake! More than a feeling

E rieccoci sulle pagine di Blogspot dopo circa sei mesi di assenza.
Un po' di amici mi hanno "rimproverato" per la mia webassenza e devo dire che la cosa mi ha fatto molto piacere! Grazie quindi a chi si sente citato.

Comunque adesso tentiamo to give a little 'order my seeds enforced period of absence from writing.
mmm ... Let's see ... What happened this time?!?

Well things are really much happened: the usual dinner on my birthday with the move, the imminent closure of my degree to rookie day of Brixen.

I must say that these months of absence from the web were a bit 'justified
would be impossible and tedious to mention
everything that has happened in the past few months and then my friends I already know everything that has happened in this time.
And for those who do not know, I do not think it is difficult to contact me: why not look at the buttons right here?!? Or maybe try to phone, no?!?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Nice Guielines Chest Nfection Baby

ultimamante do not know why but I feel a little 'strange.
I do not know if he's ever happened to anyone, but I feel like a strange energy, a strange desire to do, a kind of explosive power but finds it hard to explode.
I do not understand exactly what is due ... Maybe at 8 RedBull drinks on an empty stomach in 2 days (mom is not true is just a gimmick narative), the fact that in two months my life has changed net.
not know, maybe it's because after three years of the past two to my house I now live somewhere else, in a potentially full of interesting ideas and possible new "adventures" hidden around the corner.
Or maybe it's just the awareness that my "life" as it is spent in these three years is about to end and then I hear is only the fear of losing everything up until now has been my life.
Well, considering that some of my closest (maybe they do not know but it's true) take different paths from mine and, as it has always happened, the usual phrases: "Oh, but we feel ...", "Well come on, you know that when you come ..."
Dunno maybe it's just the sensazioneche a piece of me that will go away with them and the knowledge that I will never show them what was important to me solo per il fatto di essere stati presenti nel momento forse più difficile della mia vita...

So che magari questo post può essere inteso come uno spartirsi l'eredità della nonna (questa è per Monica) agonizzante ma non ancora morta...
Però magari è un modo forse poco riuscito per dire GRAZIE a tutti loro visto che forse mai riuscirò a dirglielo a parole perché troppo impegnato a fare il pagliaccio come al solito...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Compressed Air Concepts

holidays and "dreams that come true "...{ Part II}


Esatto (o almeno spero abbiate risposto giusto) è il tornantino del circuito (o circuìto non ho mai capito come si dice) di MONTECARLO.
Yes, thanks to Claudia I had the opportunity to visit the Principality and, even luckier, I was there in the middle of the work for the Grand Prize!
In fact, after the "torture" of the aquarium in Genoa we have moved a bit 'further on to France with the intention of taking a look at Nice and Monte Carlo.
I do not know why but I have just arrived expecting to see me around € 50 thousand in the car on but I must say, it's just a cliché, or at least the machines "series" solonei seen around the port and the center (note 2 Aston Martin, Bentley and Ferrari to £ tinca) I do not think you can imagine the strange feeling I had, all of untratto mi sono trovato sul rettilineo di arrivo con i box e le tribune intorno a me, per non parlare poi del tunnel contromano, delle piscine, del casino...Se non si fossero state auto e turisti in strada, tra a me e M,assa non ci sarebbe stata alcuna differenza, macchina a parte...
Ecco qualche foto del circuito:

E per chi non fosse ancora convinto...

Durante un giro a piedi per il Principato comunque una delle cose che mi ha colpito di più è stata questa vetrina:
Note the particular

From what I understand offer: a studio overlooking the square 51metri parking for only 2 million euros! In practice
a deal ...

The day continued with the visit of Nice, a dinner of fish and a taste of nightlife on the Riviera. In the pictures we see Claudia
drinking his mohito-faced giovaneee

Our two plates of sushi

The famous arancini Nice

There would also be Claudia who your feet wet on the beach in Nice but still do not have the pictures ...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

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Not to forget

Anche se la serietà non è il mio forte, come tutti i miei pochi lettori sanno, volevo cogliere l'occasione per scrivere su qualcosa di veramente importante e che a me sta molto a cuore.

Oggi: 9 maggio 2009 sono ben 31anni dalla morte del mio conterraneo
Peppino Impastato !
Non sono un giornalista e tantomeno un bravo scrittore e credo che non sarei capace di scrivere di Peppino in modo degno ma, in qualità di siciliano schifato da quello che è successo e che continua a succedere nella mia povera terra non posso far altro che provare a dare il mio contributo not to forget those who have tried to do something so that things will improve and that, alas, died trying to liberate our land from those who want to "destroy". Peppino Impastato was born in

Cinisi in the province of Palermo on January 5, 1948, the eldest son of a family clan affiliated with Caesar's Manzella, to manage his fortune, already a young man to rebel against the father that the mafia will drive home.
His life was marked by the battle against the "personality" than with their traffic polluted life of the country. He understood immediately that to move people from that lethargy and resignation that the system had to be used as possible means of communication and, with the birth of prime radio libere fondò la piccola Radio AUT utilizzata per denunciare tutto quello che succedeva tra Cinisi, Terrasini e tutta la provincia di Palermo.
Nel 1978 si presentò alle elezioni per il consiglio comunale di Cinisi e, la notte tra l'8 e il 9 maggio venne pestato a sangue, portato sui binari della ferrovia e fatto saltare in aria inscenando un fantomatico atto terroristico andato male.
La stampa e soprattutto le forze dell'ordine pomparono molto questa versione dipingendo Peppino come un terrorista militante tra le fila comuniste. Sarà solo grazie alla madre, al fratello Giovanni e ai suoi "compagni di battaglia" che la sua figura verrà riabilitata ed è anche grazie alla loro tenacia che il Boss Tano Badalamenti, who already was serving a sentence of 45 years in New York for the investigation " Pizza Connection", will be accused of being the instigator of the murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.
In memory of Pepper were devoted several books, a movie, "The Hundred Steps " by Marco Tullio Giordana and song of the same name ("The Hundred Steps " in fact) of Modena City Ramblers I
two titles, film and song, reflecting the fact that the distance between home and home Impastato Badalamenti was 100 steps.
Small side note: it's nice to see how the special features of the DVD there are people who say they like the Mafia Badalamenti and that there was a good person.

for any errors, inaccuracies or if you just want to go into that aspect of your comments. For those wishing to deepen

here is a bit 'of useful links:
Peppino , Center and mixed Free
Here's an excerpt from the program: Thank you for choosing us on Radio2 ' s May 8 with an interview with Giovanni Impastato, Peppino's brother and also the song "Wildflowers" sung by Carmen Consoli.

Thanks to Marco Santin that allowed me to publish it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Find An Agent For Modeling

holidays and" dreams come true "... Part {I}

here we are back at work and feel the change ...
It starts as usual: wake up early music to the bus stop, then comes the two and you open the book, ect ect ect ...
I must say that as far as my life has been based on the search for change, since the situations I get tired pretty quickly, much preferred to wake up late and flexible hours of my life as a student ...
But now enough about the job post must have a completely different topic, holidays and "dreams come true" ...

Yes, to my great sadness of this bridge on May 1 have not been able to go down at home (Sheriff, how I miss ...).
few regrets, however, we took advantage with claudia, considering also the new machine. to make a small gitarella to Genoa.
The program was to tell the truth, visit the aquarium and then "what is is." In the classic tradition
Scaravilli (Guido) is part of the adventure without reservation to the cry of "where we find we stop."
The departure of so-called "inteligente", that we were in the car at noon, we take it calmly and in the afternoon we are comfortably in Genoa, the city became famous to me because if you miss the exit from svoncolo and go to the center, first you can almost get back to the port. Arrived at the port e tornato indietro (Ovviamente ho sbagliato strada) abbiamo trovato un hotel dove passare la notte ma, sia ben chiato, solo QUELLA notte! Sistemati i bagagli in camera, troviamo un ristorante e si va a mangiare pesce (ah quanto tempo...).
Giorno 2 - LA FOLLA
Ebbene si, il secondo giorno è caratterizzato dalla "stupidità umana" (la mia innanzitutto). Ma vengo e mi spiego: tutti sanno che i giorni festivi, ponti compresi, sono i peggiori per andare a visitare luoghi di attrazione turistica tipo, gli zoo, i parcho giochi o L'ACQUARIO DI GENOVA !!!
Capita però che questa norma dettata dall'umano istinto di sopravvivenza venga meno proprio nei giorni antecedenti a festività e ponti different. This visit to the aquarium was a real odyssey.: Millemila people together in line to enter, banging their sweaty palms on the glass of the tanks, with their blinding flash that those poor fish and put your hands into tanks tocare groped for the races. All of course in spite of the ads told not to do so.
Maybe they put a hand in here ...

More beautiful, however, in terms of enjoyment of the visit was the " Galata Sea Museum", which is almost empty, a visit was paid more than depth, tending towards cultural assimilation.
Interesting was the end of the museum exhibition MERICA THE an exhibition where the visitor fell into the shoes of an immigrant, using a passport (fake delivered at the entrance), made a tour of the cabins and decks of a transatlantic reconstructed inside the museum.
nice thing was that the exhibition's interactive exhibition in which they monitor, entering the passport into the slot, an actor were addressed as the hypothetical Italian travelers with obviously fictitious names at random from nowhere. It so happened that the passport of Claudia: resident of Brunico Pustra in deep, proud of his origins and his native German was to ... "Anna Sciacchitano" illiterate nel1871 born in Girgenti Ah the case cynical and cheating ...
Continued ...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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Ah, the library ... Who does not study in Bolzano you probably do not even imagine what I'm talking about. the library to ' UNIBZ is a sacred place, a sanctuary of knowledge in which dozens of students (probably during the busiest easily exceed a few hundred ) gather with their books and computers to study and deepen the concepts just learned a lesson.
I called sanctuary because in these four floors of books, tables, pc , and know you are immersed in un atmosfera veramente surreale (per un terrone ignorante come il sottoscritto): basta aprirne la porta e ci si ritrova in un silenzio tombale tanto che entratoci per la prima volta mi sono sentito davvero strano; io abituato a giocare a briscola in cinque nei tavoli studio a Catania (ah, bei tempi andati ...)
Vista negli ultimi la mia assidua frequentazione di questo posto al di fuori dell'umana concezione mi è venuto in mente un video che avevo visto qualche tempo fa. si tratta di un "divertente" giochino inventato inventato in Giappone e reso protagonista di uno show televisivo.
Non so quanto sarebbe fattibile nella studiosa ed "morta" Bolzano

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who Is The Voice For Jack In The Box

Silent Library "The faster the speed the bigger the mess"

Gironzolando su un sito di wrestling (mamma vedi che non é una cosa stupida?!?) sono finito sul forum del sito.
Una delle discussioni del forum era intitolata: " Campagna di sensibilizzazione contro la guida pericolosa: PAZZESCO e SHOCKANTE " dando un´occhiata ai vari post ho trovato il link ad un video di Youtube che si é dimostrato realmente "educativo"...

La visione é consigliata ad una pubblico adulto... [nda]

Questo é il video:

La colonna sonora non and original even if I do not think we're evil.
The video is a collage of various commercials designed to drive viewers to drive more carefully and then piásicura Some spots are part of a campaign called " The faster the speed the bigger the mess " promoted by the Ministry for Environment and Road Safety Authority by Northern Ireland, while others have been promoted by the FIA \u200b\u200bFoundation and the campaign is called "Think before you drive .
Statistics show that 27% of road accidents in Northern Ireland and even 30% of accidents occurred in EIRE for the excessive speed of vehicles.
As I'm sure it will be noticed gli spot andati in onda sono crudi e sanguinolenti e credo che sia proprio questa la forza della campagna. Sicuramente vdere realmente quello che un incidente puó provocare e soprattutto vedere le facce e le espressioni della gente coinvolta negli spot smuove sicuramente qualcosa in ognuno di noi e spero che faccia riflettere. Credo anche che una campagna del genere in onda in Italia potrebbe indurre molti "piloti" sconsiderati a pensarci due volte prima di fare i fighi davanti agli amici con le loro prodezze.
Da una ricerca ho scoperto che, sí, nel nostro paese il numero degli incidenti dal 2000 al 2007 é calato di circa il 10% ,a noto anche che diversamente dagli irlandesi, gli incidenti per distrazione e velocitá eccessiva sono il 45% of the total, will not mean to say something?!? Then the
finfine in this case, nobody is a saint and, as we say in my part, "Piggie meravigghia you!" the incident can happen to anyone but probably would see these commercials really think ...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Phrases To Offer Sympathy To My Boss

News about Google Maps

On the computer this afternoon to my great surprise I find a good Du mail that warns me of something really shocking: in Sicily has finally arrived ... Street view

Street view service Google Maps that allows you to make a "virtual walk" to the city in the world, through this service in fact select a city and you make a tour through the streets on the comfort of your armchair at home. Here's an example: recognize where they are?!?

So far, however, nothing strange is that Google now offers a service for quite some time and therefore nothing to be surprised. The news updates
interesting is that now Catania has been photographed and put online. This afternoon I was able to go in front of the house was Aunt Melina (not the aunt, the house), my house, the Ring and many others.
Apart from this, however, are unforgiving google images, they show that in fact a reality now living out a posse of time I forget little by little. In the images
In fact we see on the Internet campaign posters plastered everywhere, potholes in the road, traffic rules Senya, sporciyia around and all I now live in the city, my eyes had now learned to exclude from view.
We hope that sooner or later something changes and finally returns catania to be that beautiful city that I remember was. I hope that one day, just get in the ring road from the airport may finally be amazed at how clean and smooth the way, how much traffic is ordered and how all the people of Catania have learned to respect their own city there are gains all.
However, apart from the sadness that slowly turns into resignation, I want to leave with una bella foto della mia Cittá...

Mia mamma mi dirá che ho messo una foto banale ma a me é piaciuta...e poi l´artista é lei...!

Hormones Smelly Urine

Santino Marella?!? Temporarily Back

Per la rubrica: "Come ci vedono e soprattutto come ci imitano negli altri paesi", ecco un altro video esplicativo di come un wrestler statunitense impersona un italiano emigrato in USA, parlando in inglese, ovviamente, come farebbe un italiano.
A dir la verità mi ci sono rivisto molto in questo personaggio visto il mio accento di Oxford...!
Ecco a voi Santino Marella (La parte finale, con Chris Jericho è veramente bellissima...)

Monday, March 30, 2009

What Is Macropapular Rash In Hiv

Hello everyone, my few but faithful readers.
Senbra strange to believe but I got a bit 'requests on my blog because it was closed so I decided to try to settle.
Although not yet succeeded in solving the problem that made me want to quit trying to put it back in the hope that the matter be resolved as quickly as allowing ...

I hope to still be able to find time to resume writing as I did before.
Greetings everyone e. .. enjoy!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Telecharger Techdecklives

After so long ....

Just a little post to show my purchases at the fair in Vicenza on Sunday ... Ke has now started working with us anke my boyfriend I can stay home qualke half a day and I hope to resume my work ... For the rest
ke said ... In recent months there are many really happened ... good things and bad things ... The bad we let him go and we go to great ... ^ __ ^ The work is going just fine and is giving us, apart from tiredness and fatigue, really a lot of satisfaction! Fabio and I have also decided to take home with ... ke nice! For now we have only begun to Seafarers around ... but I think ke for the beginning of next year it could become really concrete ... and then ... with time ... maybe ... will anke marriage! ^ __ ^ I am really very happy!
A big kiss to all and see you soon hopefully with something new done with my hands!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tonsils Removed In Adults Sleep Apnea

BLOG DOWN! Remember

Excuse my few but faithful readers.
For reasons of force majeure is the blog for a while '


will learn in due time ...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Menopause And High Glucose

Taking a look at Youtube for without too much to do I came across this video that reminded me of the early days (but also the second and third) of life to be made off in Bolzano

How true that the dress sense of smell ...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Running After Hernia Surgery 2009

Breakin 'Update NEWS

It 's finally oline site of SNOWDAYS I think there is still some modifications to do but it looks really good ...

Congratulations to:
(in alphabetical order so do not take it no)
Asyrkin Timofey (Application form)
Domenico Catelli (Graphic)
Daniel Colm (Supervising & Contents)
Stefania Mattedi (Graphic)
Rafaela Pittschieler (Contents)
Marco Seravalli (Code)

Can Heartgard Plus Be Cut In Half


Here you go, a nice piece ended my holiday home but only now I managed to get a little 'time to aggiornatre the blog.
include: work, lectures, and study snowdays I long days of at least 30 hours. Well I
say that this year has really started in the best deimodi ...

... to begin the day before it all started to leave without saying anything my 1TB HDD media has been inexplicably BURNT, luckily I found out later that it was only to burn the disc tray and the HDD have all the data.
That evening I decided to load up PC, since I had to wait six hours at the airport in Rome, just plugged in but then starts to load, hopelessly, not charge more!
Well, never mind buy a new power supply at the airport (70 € for a little box where we will end ...)
To kill time I buy a book: The game angel "by Carlos Ruiz Zafón , looking for charity, but instead of 676 pages, as you can read the card, my copy has 654.
But fate cynical and cheating, not content with it has concocted another. Bolzano arrived in fact, looking at the conveyor belt at the airport, a question buzzing in my head: "Where's my suitcase?!?"
I see that this year has really started, as seems good UIL Dr House. Vouai EH!
With regard to the history of the case, I think I will dedicate a separate post ...

Acoustic Solutions 32 Inch Bracelet

post a reply ... Finally!

Since I arrived here in Suedtirol, one question I always shake the head: For us Italians It's easy to make fun of the Germans who speak no Italian (Claudia and Stepphy who know something ...) but the Germans as they do to imitate the Italians who speak German?!?
From the "known" comic (do not know anybody here but is well known in Doicland) Matze Knop I finally had an answer.

Juno Here's how the most famous comedians in Germany teases Luca Toni mainly but also a bit 'all the Italians who "try" to speak German.
For those interested, the comedian has also written a canzoneche is now ranked number one in Germany and this is the video

For someone like me, at first listen does not understand the exact words here is the full text:

Fried calamari scampi et chianti Luca are my NUMBER ONE
Cannelloni Luca Luca Toni pepperoni are my NUMBER ONE
Beautiful woman mama hello my food ao
Rome Rome Ribery love my
Mortadella Mozzarella mit Nutella Luca are my NUMBER ONE

(stand by for action)
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... Please

Foul an Steh wieder auf Luca Toni simulations. (Hey) Please
Luca Tore Jubel bei Und mache lacquer samples
Luca Toni Luca
Zabaione Minestrone Oben Ohne six NUMERO UNO Italian trifft me
Germans große Klappe
Luca are my NUMBER ONE
Beautiful woman mama hello my food ao
Rome Rome Ribery love my

Amaretto Rigoletto Luke Benedict are my NUMBER ONE

(once again)
3 ... 4 ...

Please grappa bottled water chemist mussels clams (hey) Please
picture Sandwiches Schicker Lamborghini Luca Toni KRIEGT MILLION
Tortellini with cappuccinos Luca Martini are my same number ONE

Luca Toni phones Berlusconi called here for you NUMBER ONE
Bella hello my food woman mama ao
Rome Rome Ribery love my

Schwarze Haare Viel Palare Soccer world but for me NUMBER ONE

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Motion Detection Wiring
