Friday, December 11, 2009

Power Cord Extension Cable

SpaceShipTwo Unveiled

Finally, Virgin Galactic has revealed to the public his shuttle for suborbital flights: the SpaceShipTwo (pictured above Credit: Virgin Galactic). Maybe someone will ask whether it is appropriate at a time of economic crisis such as this type of advertising a trip for millionaires (in Euro) ... Perhaps if we really want access to space becomes a routine like now is to catch a plane must, of necessity, move from this phase. Indeed, other means of transport such as car before, and the plane, later, started out as a fashion for wealthy people, and only after many years, have passed the stage of mass access. In the area poses more technical problems and security by several orders of magnitude higher to those of a plane and then it is logical that the growth is slower. I hope that the adventure of Virgin Galactic (because when it comes to adventure ...) has really happened and could pave the way for low-cost access to space. Certainly from a 6-minute suborbital flight to stay in orbit is the step up but I am confident that the very success of the first possible step would allow the next. In fact, Rutan has never denied thinking that after SS2 SS3 will be an orbital ... Sorry that was not the only NASA to have an approach to the low orbit in a few years but perhaps could use the system by renting cheap Rutan ... maybe!


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