Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Compressed Air Concepts

holidays and "dreams that come true "...{ Part II}


Esatto (o almeno spero abbiate risposto giusto) è il tornantino del circuito (o circuìto non ho mai capito come si dice) di MONTECARLO.
Yes, thanks to Claudia I had the opportunity to visit the Principality and, even luckier, I was there in the middle of the work for the Grand Prize!
In fact, after the "torture" of the aquarium in Genoa we have moved a bit 'further on to France with the intention of taking a look at Nice and Monte Carlo.
I do not know why but I have just arrived expecting to see me around € 50 thousand in the car on but I must say, it's just a cliché, or at least the machines "series" solonei seen around the port and the center (note 2 Aston Martin, Bentley and Ferrari to £ tinca) I do not think you can imagine the strange feeling I had, all of untratto mi sono trovato sul rettilineo di arrivo con i box e le tribune intorno a me, per non parlare poi del tunnel contromano, delle piscine, del casino...Se non si fossero state auto e turisti in strada, tra a me e M,assa non ci sarebbe stata alcuna differenza, macchina a parte...
Ecco qualche foto del circuito:

E per chi non fosse ancora convinto...

Durante un giro a piedi per il Principato comunque una delle cose che mi ha colpito di più è stata questa vetrina:
Note the particular

From what I understand offer: a studio overlooking the square 51metri parking for only 2 million euros! In practice
a deal ...

The day continued with the visit of Nice, a dinner of fish and a taste of nightlife on the Riviera. In the pictures we see Claudia
drinking his mohito-faced giovaneee

Our two plates of sushi

The famous arancini Nice

There would also be Claudia who your feet wet on the beach in Nice but still do not have the pictures ...


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