Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Find An Agent For Modeling

holidays and" dreams come true "... Part {I}

here we are back at work and feel the change ...
It starts as usual: wake up early music to the bus stop, then comes the two and you open the book, ect ect ect ...
I must say that as far as my life has been based on the search for change, since the situations I get tired pretty quickly, much preferred to wake up late and flexible hours of my life as a student ...
But now enough about the job post must have a completely different topic, holidays and "dreams come true" ...

Yes, to my great sadness of this bridge on May 1 have not been able to go down at home (Sheriff, how I miss ...).
few regrets, however, we took advantage with claudia, considering also the new machine. to make a small gitarella to Genoa.
The program was to tell the truth, visit the aquarium and then "what is is." In the classic tradition
Scaravilli (Guido) is part of the adventure without reservation to the cry of "where we find we stop."
The departure of so-called "inteligente", that we were in the car at noon, we take it calmly and in the afternoon we are comfortably in Genoa, the city became famous to me because if you miss the exit from svoncolo and go to the center, first you can almost get back to the port. Arrived at the port e tornato indietro (Ovviamente ho sbagliato strada) abbiamo trovato un hotel dove passare la notte ma, sia ben chiato, solo QUELLA notte! Sistemati i bagagli in camera, troviamo un ristorante e si va a mangiare pesce (ah quanto tempo...).
Giorno 2 - LA FOLLA
Ebbene si, il secondo giorno è caratterizzato dalla "stupidità umana" (la mia innanzitutto). Ma vengo e mi spiego: tutti sanno che i giorni festivi, ponti compresi, sono i peggiori per andare a visitare luoghi di attrazione turistica tipo, gli zoo, i parcho giochi o L'ACQUARIO DI GENOVA !!!
Capita però che questa norma dettata dall'umano istinto di sopravvivenza venga meno proprio nei giorni antecedenti a festività e ponti different. This visit to the aquarium was a real odyssey.: Millemila people together in line to enter, banging their sweaty palms on the glass of the tanks, with their blinding flash that those poor fish and put your hands into tanks tocare groped for the races. All of course in spite of the ads told not to do so.
Maybe they put a hand in here ...

More beautiful, however, in terms of enjoyment of the visit was the " Galata Sea Museum", which is almost empty, a visit was paid more than depth, tending towards cultural assimilation.
Interesting was the end of the museum exhibition MERICA THE an exhibition where the visitor fell into the shoes of an immigrant, using a passport (fake delivered at the entrance), made a tour of the cabins and decks of a transatlantic reconstructed inside the museum.
nice thing was that the exhibition's interactive exhibition in which they monitor, entering the passport into the slot, an actor were addressed as the hypothetical Italian travelers with obviously fictitious names at random from nowhere. It so happened that the passport of Claudia: resident of Brunico Pustra in deep, proud of his origins and his native German was to ... "Anna Sciacchitano" illiterate nel1871 born in Girgenti Ah the case cynical and cheating ...
Continued ...


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