Friday, October 2, 2009

Nice Guielines Chest Nfection Baby

ultimamante do not know why but I feel a little 'strange.
I do not know if he's ever happened to anyone, but I feel like a strange energy, a strange desire to do, a kind of explosive power but finds it hard to explode.
I do not understand exactly what is due ... Maybe at 8 RedBull drinks on an empty stomach in 2 days (mom is not true is just a gimmick narative), the fact that in two months my life has changed net.
not know, maybe it's because after three years of the past two to my house I now live somewhere else, in a potentially full of interesting ideas and possible new "adventures" hidden around the corner.
Or maybe it's just the awareness that my "life" as it is spent in these three years is about to end and then I hear is only the fear of losing everything up until now has been my life.
Well, considering that some of my closest (maybe they do not know but it's true) take different paths from mine and, as it has always happened, the usual phrases: "Oh, but we feel ...", "Well come on, you know that when you come ..."
Dunno maybe it's just the sensazioneche a piece of me that will go away with them and the knowledge that I will never show them what was important to me solo per il fatto di essere stati presenti nel momento forse più difficile della mia vita...

So che magari questo post può essere inteso come uno spartirsi l'eredità della nonna (questa è per Monica) agonizzante ma non ancora morta...
Però magari è un modo forse poco riuscito per dire GRAZIE a tutti loro visto che forse mai riuscirò a dirglielo a parole perché troppo impegnato a fare il pagliaccio come al solito...


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