Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ascaron Patch Port Royale Vista

The Jester is awake! More than a feeling

E rieccoci sulle pagine di Blogspot dopo circa sei mesi di assenza.
Un po' di amici mi hanno "rimproverato" per la mia webassenza e devo dire che la cosa mi ha fatto molto piacere! Grazie quindi a chi si sente citato.

Comunque adesso tentiamo to give a little 'order my seeds enforced period of absence from writing.
mmm ... Let's see ... What happened this time?!?

Well things are really much happened: the usual dinner on my birthday with the move, the imminent closure of my degree to rookie day of Brixen.

I must say that these months of absence from the web were a bit 'justified
would be impossible and tedious to mention
everything that has happened in the past few months and then my friends I already know everything that has happened in this time.
And for those who do not know, I do not think it is difficult to contact me: why not look at the buttons right here?!? Or maybe try to phone, no?!?


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