Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Commercial Spa Equipments

2009: Astronautical important year for the dissemination in Italy

I write this article perché mi è parso di notare che, durante questo anno, vi sono state un maggior numero di manifestazioni divulgative pubbliche a tema astronautico. Solo per ricordarne alcune: il SatExpo di Roma con l'esposizione di una tuta spaziale del nostro astronauta Vittori, la mostra Back to the Moon di Rovereto con ospite eccezionale l'astronauta Charlie Duke che camminò sulla Luna durante Apollo 16, l' Astrofest di Erba dove era possibile incontrare appassionati del tema, seguire conferenze econoscere il lavoro degli astrofili, la mostra itinerante Luna 1969 ed ultima, in ordine di tempo, l' Astronauticon 4 dove era ospite nientemeno che l'astronauta della NASA Mike Finke, già Comandante della Stazione International Space. Certainly, this growth of interest in space travel during this year was undoubtedly driven by a decision by the recurrence of the 40th anniversary of the moon landing of Apollo 11. In fact, even the media has never talked so much (sometimes inappropriately) the theme. But I think that with the effort of many fans and the support of institutions, astronautics can do, even in Italy, the quantum leap in popularity among the public that already has in other countries, including Europe.
I can not do so a hope that these groups willing to grow increasingly trying to avoid the risk of being too self-referential ... this is the only danger.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Remove Bunions In Pittsburgh

The race to the Moon has always stuck for space travel?

Yesterday started the space shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-129 . Seeing it go up in the sky of Florida I could not help thinking that, among only five missions this will be no more ... After nearly thirty years of loyal service the space shuttle, the first spacecraft, ends up in the attic and NASA will replace it with (perhaps) an Apollo-style capsule ... 's Orion .
read the excellent book by Stefano Cavina " Cosmonauts " I could not fail to notice that in the late 50's the U.S. began to arrive in space (over 100 km) with the X-15 aerospace plane but then it all came suddenly removed from Sputnik, Gagarin by and the start of the race to the moon. The U.S. could not lose supremacy against the Soviet Union and that is that President Kennedy (who cared very little space if it had not served his propaganda purposes) shows the Moon as a target by 60 years. At that point, all efforts are concentrated in the only quick way to achieve the target the missile. All research and achievements gained from the X-15 go into oblivion (just to be retrieved by an individual, Burt Rutan, who in 2004 will be able to make the first private suborbital flight with his Space Ship One). Here I am, then the question of the title ... and if the race to the Moon (fantastic goal and the limit of capacity at the time) was the "Boulder" that has blocked the emergence of the "real" space travel so far and for many years to come? Sure, it can seem like a provocation, but think about it, if there had been no race to the Moon, perhaps NASA would continue the development of aerospace plane always most performing up to reach Earth orbit ... could cost as a launch from an aircraft in flight compared to the complication of a launch of a rocket from a launch pad vertical ... also for the shuttle (which is not a real rocket ship, but something in between) it takes about 4 months of preparation for a flight. With a system of space plane air-drops (and maybe later they would also have to take off on their own) was the conquest of space, si, più lenta, ma avrebbe poggiato su solide basi che avrebbero impedito di essere, di continuo, messa in discussione per gli altissimi costi. Forse oggi avremmo davvero avuto tutto quello immaginato dallo scrittore Arthur C. Clarke nel suo romanzo 2001...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Women Without Underwear

Lucarelli also became deeply involved with the Moon Hoax ... He made his debut

Carlo Lucarelli , affermato scrittore di gialli e indagatore della nostra Storia d'Italia e dei suoi (troppi e tragici) misteri si è voluto cimentare con la cospirazione dei falsi allunaggi... Si tratta di un podcast andato in onda su DeeJay e durante il quale Lucarelli ripercorre tutte le solite stupidaggini di chi crede che le missioni Apollo siano tutti una balla. Il suo approccio è quello del "non ci credo ma lo racconto lo stesso" e, a parte una svista quando cita "Cape Cod" come base di lancio testimone della tragedia di Apollo 1, la sua preparazione è passabile. Unico neo (però bello grosso!) è il non rivelare una sua posizione sull'argomento ma anzi continuare ad insinuare che questa ipotesi, in fondo, potrebbe anche essere plausibile. Mi dispiace veramente che Lucarelli, che stimo e del quale ho quasi tutti i suoi libri e che ho sempre apprezzato moltissimo per le sue inchieste coraggiose si sia voluto cimentare in un'argomento che sembra non conoscere molto bene e che per il quale, in questi tempi fra Giacobbi e Ruggerri, sarebbe bene trattare con un poco più di rispetto e serietà, se non altro per chi ha perso la vita in quella fantastic company and thousands of people who are committed to it.
In the picture (Credit: The Republic) the link appeared on the website of the newspaper and refers to the podcast on DeeJay Carlo Lucarelli.