Monday, April 26, 2010

Wat Is Een Boosterseat

latch Bosco

Questa mi è costata un bel pò di lavoro ma spero ne sia valsa la pena. Ho fish in my aquarium glass rose a stone and I laid on an oval of dough embellished with gold leaf and pressed with a rolling pin. The rest is given all the painstaking work of flowers and buds and a small blue butterfly. I assembled everything with a leather strap and is designed to be a rollercoaster. I hope you like it!

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Phonestrap with Elf

E 'was caught this tiny Elf and I have now captured and hung on an elegant black Phonestrap. It 's small but it contains flashes of glittering as his "mother" has thought to roll it into a handful of gold leaf ...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Russian Wrestling Singlet

Phonestrap Loaf stars

Mi sono proprio divertita a realizzare questo phonestrap su commissione, la cosa divertente è che l'ho copiato da uno vero...prima di mangiarmelo ! Creare le stelline non è stato affatto difficile perchè una volta che prendi la mano le altre sono più facili anche se prima di applicarle ho avuto l'accortezza di spazzolare per bene il mio pan di stelle fimoso, con un vecchio spazzolino da denti...e questo barbatrucco funziona, perchè rende la superficie davvero " biscottosa ". Provateci ma fate attenzione a non premere troppo perchè rischiate di rovinare tutto.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Can Canadian Credit Affect American Credit

Create your own jewelry!

Questi dolci biscottini sono ancora caldi caldi e già in vetrina su Miss Hobby :

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Flavor Of Love Model Tits

Photo Holder / postit Folletto

This pixie red flew a few days ago by Blue Fairy, made me so much pleasure that liked it, so you can find it on his blog (there is a link sidebar), where, if you want you can also read a nice review on the shop Kiki and many other very interesting interviews. Blue Fairy is always updated on the blog and give away candy on the Web. If you are organizing a send them an email, in this way will be advertised on his blog ... and of course all free!