Sunday, May 23, 2010

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the Constellation ... but with what money? Ten years of

A U.S. Senate committee has rejected (with a bipartisan vote), the new President Obama's space program and in practice would see the cancellation of the Constellation program (at least for 2010). Now there were those who rejoiced at this news, forgetting that the Constellation program was underfunded by as many as 3 billion dollars a year! Where these senators have been in the past five years of President Bush that the plan had Constellation launched with great fanfare ...? I remember that the only tangible results of six (6!) Years of research and development of the Constellation program (which would lead to build a moon base from ... 2018) was the launch last year, Ares IX, in effect, a strong booster of the shuttle with an inert fifth segment, a dummy upper stage, a dummy capsule Orion LAS and a test dummy and Pad- Abort held a few days ago. United States President Obama is at this moment, under fire all the lobbyists who have been attacked with the health law and with the next law on the operation of stock market activity. Astronautics and ended up in the middle of this battle and, unfortunately, this will impact the future of space exploration because, whether we like it or not, we Europeans are to tow the U.S., as well as other international partners ...
I see, as well as other fans involved in space travel, a very uncertain future and dark for the future of manned space ... I hope I'm wrong ...

forgot! Who says that Constellation would have prevented NASA to rely on the Russians to carry its astronauts in LEO (low earth orbit), however, remember that the Orion capsule would have flown home in the best case, not before 2015 ... and from 2010 to 2015 NASA astronauts as we arrived at the ISS? On foot?

Friday, May 21, 2010

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 Ciondolo polipetto :
Questo pilipetto è nato per caso, avevo tra le mano questa piccola perla viola e non sapevo cosa farci così gli ho modellato attorno il polipetto che la stringe a se fra i suoi tentacoli. Il risultato è davvero carino e appesa ad una semplice collanina è molto sfizioso...non sfigura nemmeno come phonestrap...che ne dite ?

Se vi piace lo trovate qui .

Friday, May 14, 2010

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Sono volati ieri mattina dalla loro nuova " padroncina " questi teneri folletti ispirati al mese di maggio. La piccola regina sarà protagonista del suo Battesimo nel mese delle rose, e quindi questi folletti sono completamente dedicati a lei.

Friday, May 7, 2010

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site! The Constellation

Yes, it's been already ten years since, back in May 2000, I began this site in Italian Astronautics. My decision was the fact that, in Italian, there were many sources of information for space. I started with that I held for several years until the provider you use is not me I had to fall back on and then snatched away.
us Of course, now, after ten years, the panorama of Italian Internet Information Astronautics has grown a lot, there are blogs, forums and sites without a doubt the most competent and "style" more appealing than mine. In fact, for this a few years ago I decided to close the site and only the pressure of my wife and who writes to me asking questions (to which many are not, unfortunately, able to respond fully as I would like), prevented me do so. Also then I realized that writing about what happens in my world of passion, astronautics, is also a way for me to create a "memory" of the beginning of the 21st century. In these ten years we have seen the birth of the International Space Station, the Columbia disaster, the wonders of Hubble, the first steps of Chinese astronauts in space, the adventures of the robots on Mars, the birth and untimely death of Constellation Program .. . Years of glories and failures ... as happens in life ... I conclude by thanking all those who follow me for a long time and those who, perhaps, I have seen recently, this goal, the first, I hope, of many others. We hope that the twentieth anniversary of the site is again the man on the road for unknown space ... I hope to be there with you and live to tell about it.