Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Get Sharpie Off Converse

Fines, via dei Pisoni

Some commuters have reported that today / tonight were fined several cars that were parked in the street outside the Pisoni spaces allowed.
We call on all involved commuters to tell us the details of the incident. As
think sometimes it guesses wrong, how come the cars parked in Piazzale Marconi wild go unpunished??
We are just so on the box??
Ettore Piacenza Commuters Association President

Anyone Pregnant With Piles?


Hello to all! Sorry if I do not live so often, I find it hard lately because I really have a lot of things to do ... this is the last work that I realized:

It 's a blueberry muffin (it is specifically requested) which can be used as a keychain or be hung on the bag ... not cute found?

I'm doing very many jobs in this period and I'm sorry if I can not answer all of you ... I try to have it as soon as I can ... I write in so many thanks to all!

At the next

Ufc Over The Door Gyms

What security? What pattern?

security and dignity: these are the objectives that the Administration had set for the station area and are thus inspired all the latest decisions.
Let's try to summarize, with the help of some pictures, the results: you will understand why as an Association we are so critical and why we continue to demand a serious comparison.

We are tired of being subjected to decisions of supposed experts who have gone to the station probably only the opening day of the apron (parking in prohibited ed).

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Is Appendicitis More Common In Men?

data delays (14.03.2011)

is late today 14/03/2011
(read more)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Back And Neck Injury From Being Rear Ended

data delays (13.03.2011)

is late today 13/03/2011
(read more)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is The Best Amp For A 12w7

data delays (03.12.2011)

is late today 12/03/2011
(read more)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Brazilian Wax Columbus, Oh

racks dangerous

The bicycle racks recently installed in the narrow road from the town of Faxall village have been closed as dangerous!
The area is white with red tape and barriers, there is in that sign in a somewhat 'generic says Danger! and a number to call to retrieve the bikes.
So it is not possible to independently retrieve your bike!

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What Would You Do If You Had A Bad Sunburn

Fittavolini Real Time for fines in P. Marconi

Venerdì 11 Marzo alle ore 21 Ettore Fittavolini, presidente dell'Associazione Pendolari Piacenza, sarà ospite della trasmissione televisiva "Tempo reale".
Nella puntata verranno sollevate tutte le perplessità riguardo il provvedimento che autorizza la rimozione delle due ruote in sosta in Piazzale Marconi.

Invitiamo i pendolari a far sentire la propria voce lasciando un messaggio in segreteria telefonica al numero 0523.393899 entro le ore 18 e ad intervenire durante la diretta con sms al numero 335.5339967 o mail a

E' gradito l'invio photo and video evidence of the evening traffic congestion in the parking area or wild situations in other parts of the city.
More of your questions will be "sharp", the transmission will be more interesting: Let us in!

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Are Organic Foods Pasturized?

general strike on March 11 2011

(source ATM News )
possible disruption in Milan on ATM lines from 8:45 to 15 and from 18 to end of service.

(source FS News )
Possible repercussions on certain regional trains that RES performs on RFI network between the lines involved there is also the Parma - Bologna.

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Midrange Foyer Chandelier Wrought Iron

data delays (11.03.2011)

is late today 11/03/2011
(read more)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Water Coming Out Bottom Mercruiser

data delays (03.10.2011)

is late today 10/03/2011
(read more)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pokémon Rom Soul Silver Sur Mac

Fittavolini: "An order of bullshit"

Fittavolini su Piazzale Marconi

Fittavolini Ettore, President of the Association of Commuter Piacenza, in an open letter to the mayor Reggi denounces the numerous errors in the decisions of the Administration on the issue of decorum in Piazzale Marconi, as well as a clear difference in treatment that discriminates against only some of the commuters: the virtuous Cyclists are harassed instead of aid, while the rest of the wild car continues to be condoned.
(read more)

Problems With Ge Compactor

Freedom March 3, 2011

Every two weeks Freedom gives us the ability to publish "The Journal of commuters", a space that we use to inform travelers about the issues they loved ones.

We propose now heading appeared last Monday, March 7, 2011, which explained the reasons for the protest campaign, "I pedal but do NOT pay" and all inconguenze of the latest decisions of the Director regarding the issue of parking in Piazzale Marconi. There is also a
Federica Albini article denouncing the system as a measurement of the delays used by Trenitalia (RIACE) does not take into account certain inefficiencies and thus leads to distortions on the penalty count.
Finally you can read a letter from a commuter who complained of falling ill due to cold in a trip to one of the many coaches with the heating problems.

thank the director of the newspaper that has allowed us to reproduce the entire page, download it by clicking on the image above

Whats The Difference Between Fmj And Tmj Ammo

data delays (09.03.2011)

Last night, "Livorno" has built up an hour late: Solidarity who is was bottled!
is rather late now
09/03/2011 (read all)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Value Of Old Barometers


Last Sunday we celebrated the third "mesiversario" the failure to start work in the narrow road of Borgo Faxall: l 'Piazzale Marconi area adjacent to where we parked our bike commuters is cordoned off by last December for an "imminent start of construction" but is never gone.
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