Monday, December 20, 2010

Do I Have A Lipoma At 17?

I won ... I won!

Ciao a tutte amiche carissime è con huge delay communicate to the world my great fortune (from time to time also runs on this side) and show you what I've won a couple of weeks ago ........

TA DAAA !!!!!

This super mega fantastic stroller the Baby Confort !

But did you see the wonder and live is really great ... but let me explain. About a month ago as curious as ever on the site Mom Blog (if you've never been, really worth it, you will find tips, news, articles constantly updated to mothers, children and family) when I was drawn to a blog candy (because it is a real blog ... ok, a little more of our pretty ... ih ih ih! !) actually put a stake in strollers. I signed up for so long and there and then I forgot. Then some nights ago, the kids to bed, my husband and I quietly on the couch when I went to do a jump on Mom Blog and there was a link "click to find out who won the Baby Confort stroller Elea." I swear I only clicked to see who was lucky if it was awarded and used to make appropriate remarks "that ...... LUCK!" And you can even imagine others, when I read my name. Seee, I thought I misread, I thought of writing an error and then I also check my husband. But Kiki, Kiki that was me .... here it is even if the photos really do it justice!

Moreover, in reality, the stroller that I had won I was red, but writing blogs Mom has tried, at my request, let me get pink, as red ... I had already said that they are super happy but especially the stroller, and I do not say so to speak, is really nice, lightweight, compact maneggevolissimo: a treat girls waiting to try ... so who or who should get one run here and choose what suits you best!


Thursday, December 16, 2010

595v Lens Calibration

Paolo Nespoli began a historic journey! All except

Italian ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli began yesterday on a journey that would call historic. In fact, his mission aboard the International Space Station as Expedition 26 flight engineer and 27 will see him for six months in orbit! It is in fact the first Italian to make a long-duration mission on the ISS and the third European. But not just for this mission Nespoli is to be defined historical ... In fact, Paul will be in constant contact with all the fans who want to follow through Twitter, a new and fast way to interact with others. One way then to be there with him in these long six months. Paul will also be involved in many educational activities (not for nothing Its mission is called MagISStra) for young people. We hope that this "moment" of the spotlight on Astronautics in our country are only the beginning of a serious interest of our own media on the subject.

Before closing I would like to highlight another very important event occurred in recent weeks, the maiden flight of the Dragon spacecraft on board the carrier of the SpaceX Falcon 9. It was only two orbits around the Earth is but another event that will be remembered in the annals as the first private spacecraft to fly in space and return safely. Even the landing was the first U.S. after over 35 years! Now the next mission would bring supplies to the ISS dopo la fine dei voli Shuttle.

Concludo con un Augurio di un Felice Natale e di un Buon 2011 a tutti!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vintage Trucks For Sale

EXTRACTION! Registration deadline


This evening, taking advantage of some quiet family next to a steaming hot cup of tea ( and after a long afternoon of Christmas shopping is what you need), I am dedicated to the extraction of the winner of my Blog Candy II ... so first of all, I have compiled a list of participants (girls are just many!):

... Then using the fateful RANDOM I entered the 1-44 range and the result is ..... .

Drum roll !!!!!



which is:



'm happy for Patrick (which by the way I discovered that creates wonderful sculptures, take a leap in its blog  ne vale davvero la pena ) anche se mi dispiace tanto per tutte le altre. Spero che continuerete a seguirmi auguro Buon Natale amiche care insieme alla vostra famiglia e a chi amate di più !

P.S Patrizia mandami una email con il tuo indirizzo per la spedizione !


Best Wirless Router For Ps3

Blog Candy!




Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Air Purifier Basement Smell

Rabbit Fairy Blog Candy

Here's to you guys my latest wacky creation ... what can you do if I nature as I see it ... It 's a term I like to create a more complex, and in fact I am preparing to issue a corner, in the meantime I leave you ancora qualche immagine e voi ditemi cosa ne pensate.

Questo piccolino, mezzo coniglio e mezza fata ( mah...! ) stava svolazzando quando ha intravisto una piccola radura nel sottobosco con un cespuglio di bacche rosse e si è posato per fare uno spuntino, anche se la neve ricopre ogni cosa, lui avvolto nel suo folto pelo non sente freddo e mangia indisturbato.

Ma veniamo alle info tecniche : coniglio, neve e ali sono in prosculp successivamente dipinto a mano. Base e piante invece sono finte. Le ali sono removibili e i baffi sono ciglia finte comprate appositamente for the young master and properly cut ... let me know what you think!
A hug.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Cake Taste Good With Fondant

II of La Bottega Bottega

Hello all, sorry for the inaction of the last period but apart from a number of problems that have arisen in recent times have been very busy on the job front and I completed a project that long time "fluttering" in my mind ... As soon as I can finish it I promise that I will post all the pictures ... in the meantime ....

... here is the Blog Candy Shop II which I hope to participate numerous as in the previous year. You can join all those who do not even have a blog, and a prize for one lucky you is this box decorated with one of my elves and petals of fabric, but especially inside houses:

. .. a very useful offering delicious and cosmetic kit comprising: a beautiful set of eyeshadows with brushes that can also be used as powder, packed in a practical package, a brush to spread the floor, a black lengthening mascara, lip gloss with glitter, rhinestones and enamel with a handy bag with everything you need for a manicure all in delicate shades of pink ... thing do you think?

Joining is easy as always, simply copy the code found under the sticker and paste it into your blog. It is enough, that's all ... If you want to become my supporters, and subscribe to the Christmas swap I organized, whose closing date was postponed to November 20 ... well I'd be really pleased, but as one says publicity note: free to choose!

The deadline is December 14, in other words, the successful shift will receive at home for Christmas ... So what are you waiting to join numerous Candy Blog and why not, the Swap "A package under the Christmas Tree (find the post below).

Kisses, kisses, kisses!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boxing With Arthritis

Kiki of Kiki presents: the First Swap "A package under the tree"

Dear friends, Christmas is coming and even if they miss more than two months at the most beautiful and magical celebration of the year, here is a fantastic news for you! The first organized by the Swap Shop of Kiki titled really promising: A package under the tree. Hoping to collect as many accessions as possible, here is what it is, please read!

swap is open to all, even if you do not have a blog or a site is sufficient for you "creative". Whatever you do, using any technique and material (modeling of polymer clay, natural, salt-like pasta or corn, creative sewing, embroidery, decoupage, painting, scrapbooking, etc. ... etc. ... ) You are welcome to this swap.
The theme is free and does not necessarily relate to Christmas and is divided into three broad categories:

- Bijoux (bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, sets ...)
- accessories (key rings, belts, scarves .. .)
- furniture (picture frames, ornaments, plates ...)

You choose the category will be your imagination then to suggest what and how to create.
The spirit of the initiative is to create a gift exchange with our hands and discard along with the other packages on Christmas Eve.

does not matter if the value of the object, feel free to create and sbizzarritevi the choice of materials and techniques. The important thing is that everything you create you do it with love and care just as you were yourself the gift recipient.

To register you have until November 15 inclusive. In the days after the draw will be made between all the participants to decree that the combined will remain secret. You
then a month to create and package your gift with care and not later than December 15 , they should send to the address you will be provided . So each of us to know the sender but not by the recipients and most importantly, what will the package.

It 's very important that the gift remain hidden until Christmas Eve because the surprise is real. You will have time in the following days, taking advantage of the festivities that will follow to provide a nice review, related photographs, what you have given and received.

All clear? Well then one more thing: if you decide to participate take a commitment that you must comply . It 'just that all participants have their creative Christmas gift.
To subscribe please leave a message with your name, the link to your site or blog (if you have one) and a 'email address exclusively to this post .

Obtain the code found under the sticker and paste it into your website and blog (if you have one) but also on Facebook if you do not have such a site.

Good creativity to all!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Make Sunfish Sail Pattern

Recycling creative

Are you looking for a 'cheap and very original idea for your next thoughts about Christmas? So be patient, elongated cylindrical beads, wire medium hard e. .. many glass jars of yogurt. After esserveli tasted (those Esselunga bio brand, they cost very little and are really very good) wash and remove the label with a bit of hot water and soap, then (and here comes the patience) so many beads strung wrapping the various threads of iron spirals in to simulate the wings of a beautiful butterfly in the color you prefer and complete the all important as a small body with a stone. Two antennas curious a drop of hot glue and the brightness of the lights and you'll get from burguignon beautiful and of great impact to amaze your friends. I've created them in shades of pink and purple ... you may have noticed that I have a preference for these colors (for me it was all just pink and pastel colors ...).

High Heel And Big Boobs

Necklace Sponge Cake topper Stars

Hello to all dear friends, today I present creating a line of jewelry that I have finished editing for some time but that place just now. It is once again on a necklace made of interweaving and tying together various strands of organza ribbons and tone on tone with the addition of beads and crystals. The centerpiece is a cookie Pan di Stelle in its original size that gives a touch of originality to everything goes well the candor of the plots. Also depending on how you place around your neck you can get different effects ... I guarantee you wear makes a great impression and bright colors make it particularly elegant ... what do you say, you like?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chicago Ambulance Companies


The legendary Duplo I was commissioned by Cynthia he wanted to accomplish on its own some nice earrings to wear at the birthday party of his Martin. .. I can not wait to see them assembled, they are not greedy ... you too?

Symptoms Of Chest Infection

Hello everyone I am still here after a period of apparent inactivity ... in fact I was burdened by a thousand jobs and started to finish and now touches you sip one after the other (and otherwise satisfied that there is!) But let's go on: two of our dear friends were married and how not to do him a small gift signed "La Bottega di Kiki? Here is the cake topper Paul and Valerie ...
I must say I was successful and I was quite pleased with my work even though I had little time and would rather take care of some more details.

We come to the technique: the bride and groom are made of polymer clay, she has her skirt "padded" with aluminum foil and was in fact easier to accomplish. He showed me a lot of troubles are because of standing did not want their knowledge, but in the end I won. I made the mini jewelry, and the bouquet of roses with beads and polymer clay, I added lace and svarosky while the base is a flat cakes covered with transparent silicone microperline pink. Even the White wanted to be present and with his ever-present clock led the newlyweds in their new Wonderland ... you like it? I hope so! See you soon!


Any Quotes For Parkinson Disease


Hello everyone I made this bracelet weaving together various threads and ribbons and knots between a rock and another. It 's very delicious and really does look great worn also the pig with polymer clay in the wink of svarosky makes it unique and special. I hope you like it!
you soon!

Osage And Casion And Joan

Piggy Roast potatoes and sauce.

I made the roast ....

Hello guys, I am back with a new tutorial that I have asked Rosa and Anna, but I hope it will be useful to you ... can be found Tutorial section in the shop of course ... See you soon!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Potential Energy In A Pipe

gifts corn paste

Hello to all creative friends and now I show them my little creatures made of corn paste. They are just 6 centimeters high and have two delightful mini wing fabric and enhanced with glitter and beads Paillet. I wonder if riuscirannoa fly ...? I've thought of as boxes and one of my friends are already a hit, what about you!
the next post!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Cheap Silver Plated Wedding Album

move to Europe? Back

In questi ultimi tempi è tutto un fiorire di annunci di prossime missioni spaziali con equipaggio umano da parte di vari paesi oltre ai soliti Stati Uniti e Russia. Infatti, dopo l'exploit della Cina negli anni scorsi (e con il programma di una loro piccola stazione spaziale a partire dal prossimo anno) ora anche l'India, la Corea del Sud e persino l'Iran annunciano la preparazione di capsule abitate per raggiungere l'orbita bassa terrestre. In tutto questo movimento si sente pesare l'assenza dell'Europa che, nonostante la fine dei voli delle navette spaziali sempre più vicini, non ha ancora seriamente put on paper their own projects, human access to space. Yes, there was a vague reference to make the vehicle a vehicle with automatic ATV first opportunity to return and then ... much later ... a vehicle crew. The possibility of alliance with Russia to build a manned space vehicle is now blurred over recent years and Russia is in the process (though always struggling with the usual budget problems) with the preparation of the now Deputy age, but fully functional, Soyuz. At this point I am reduced to hoping that, with the creation of the design of the British Space Skylon spaceplane could go on ... hope is the last to die ...
ps Happy Birthday Neil!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Scotlands Everyday Wear

Frame Tutorial

Hello all today I wanted to show a job that I run from time for a dear friend and I had not yet postato. Si tratta di un cornice interamente "autoprodotta" utilizzando una scatola di cartone, il vetro e la base di una vecchia cornice ( ma solo per comodità )e tanti oggettini di fimo che mi erano avanzati. E' più facile di quanto possa sembrare assemblare la struttura della cornice munendosi di carta da parati adesiva, matita, forbici e righello uniti ad una buona dose di pazienza. Si può arricchire il tutto con nastri, sassolini e stoffine colorate come ho fatto io e giocare sul tono su tono... che ne dite vi piace ?