Monday, December 20, 2010

Do I Have A Lipoma At 17?

I won ... I won!

Ciao a tutte amiche carissime è con huge delay communicate to the world my great fortune (from time to time also runs on this side) and show you what I've won a couple of weeks ago ........

TA DAAA !!!!!

This super mega fantastic stroller the Baby Confort !

But did you see the wonder and live is really great ... but let me explain. About a month ago as curious as ever on the site Mom Blog (if you've never been, really worth it, you will find tips, news, articles constantly updated to mothers, children and family) when I was drawn to a blog candy (because it is a real blog ... ok, a little more of our pretty ... ih ih ih! !) actually put a stake in strollers. I signed up for so long and there and then I forgot. Then some nights ago, the kids to bed, my husband and I quietly on the couch when I went to do a jump on Mom Blog and there was a link "click to find out who won the Baby Confort stroller Elea." I swear I only clicked to see who was lucky if it was awarded and used to make appropriate remarks "that ...... LUCK!" And you can even imagine others, when I read my name. Seee, I thought I misread, I thought of writing an error and then I also check my husband. But Kiki, Kiki that was me .... here it is even if the photos really do it justice!

Moreover, in reality, the stroller that I had won I was red, but writing blogs Mom has tried, at my request, let me get pink, as red ... I had already said that they are super happy but especially the stroller, and I do not say so to speak, is really nice, lightweight, compact maneggevolissimo: a treat girls waiting to try ... so who or who should get one run here and choose what suits you best!



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