Saturday, January 8, 2011

How Long Can You Live With Renal Cancer


Hello to all dear friends enjoying the holidays and less insistent rhythm of my days, placed with great pleasure the result of the first organized by the Swap Shop of Kiki titled "A package under the tree" ... I learned with pleasure that the participants were very satisfied with the result of gifts received: in particular, the workshop was combined with Kiki Nests with the very nice blog and nodes that sent me this beautiful parure (which I raised, I must admit, during the endless lunches and dinners with family & company ...)

The set consisted of a beautiful and original heart-shaped necklace, a bracelet of large white pearls adorned with a multi-faceted crystal and two pendants made of glass beads .... thanks dear all amazing!

as the number of participants was odd, the workshop was also coupled to another wonderful blog ideas in the drawer that you sent me this wonderful wreath

Ragazze dal "vero" รจ davvero bellissima e sulla porta di casa fa un figurone...ed io invece ho mandato alle mie abbinate quanto vedete :

A breve il dettaglio di una decorazione particolare per l'albero, una bella idea da copiare per qualche ciondolo fai da te...seguitemi !!!



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