Sunday, January 10, 2010

Korean Movies Popular In Nepal

History channel takes some crab!

Start the first post of 2010 so polemic against the satellite channel History Channel. Last week I stumbled across in the documentary on the now "famous" 2012 ... I started watching with interest convinced that the seriousness that usually characterizes the documentary History finally put the appropriate light on all the lies that have arisen in recent years on the date of 2012 and its end of the world provided by the Maya ... And here I find myself rather see a documentary worse than "Voyager" by Rai2! Well in about an hour and a half have brought up the Mayans, Nostradamus, the ancient Egyptians and even the Freemasons! No contradiction of real "scientists" just the words of this and that "expert" just because he wrote a book on the subject ... I was disgusted to say the least. But that was nothing compared to what has happened to me two nights ago ... always the History Channel to broadcast a documentary "Soviet UFO" ... If you really want a laugh I recommend you see ... The Roswell Soviet base Kapustin Yar scene of battles with UFOs and Area 51 compared with the U.S., aliens flying cigars kept in its depths, Korolev (Soviet Astronautics father) who often talks with Stalin's UFO and so on. .. Also this time the "experts" on duty are of the caliber of the director of "UFO Magazine" and the nuclear physicist who has made money by writing books about Roswell ... But what I really did was pass the inbestialire tragic video of the incident happened at Baikonur Nedelin October 24, 1960 as a movie "unusual" on an attack by a UFO Soviet missiles into a ramp! I mean I really think that the next time I see a documentary by History Channel sulla Seconda Guerra Mondiale avrò molti dubbi che quello che raccontano abbia una parvenza di verità storica! Ecco come si fa presto a perdere una credibilità acquisita in anni di serio documentarismo solo per rincorrere l'audience e gli argomenti di "moda"...


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