Thursday, March 11, 2010

Denise Milani Skins No Begging

Bolzano SNOWDAYS 2010

Recently I had some 'problems with the blog, so I decided to leave him a bit' loose.
I hope to soon be able to write again as before but the more I think more questa speranza risulta essere vana e lontana.

Ho deciso di pubblicare le cose davvero importanti e di sicuro questa è una di quelle.

Da: Alberto
A: tanta tanta gente

Oggetto: SNOWDAYS 2010

Hi all,
I promise this will be my last e-mail concerning SNOWDAYS 2010 (at least I hope so).

Before all I have to say sorry twice to all of you.
First of all because my B1 English doesn't allow me to write a mail understandable by all of you.
Second of all I have to say sorry again to all of you andd specially to the ones that waited really to much for a bus at the apres and had to substitute me without warning onlybecausesIi fell asleep at the disco (incredible but true).
It was so unprofessional and was not proper for a so called responsible.

So I beg your pardon!

After all I have to say a huge THANKS to all of you that helped us in order to let the SNOWDAYS been the event that they was.
I want to let you know that a lot of participants came to me saying how wonderful and unforgettable the SNOWDAYS were and how much they were enjoining the event.
I have to say that without your help and support no one of them would have ever said what I've header a lot of time.

So thank you for all your work, thank you because you didn't enjoy the event, because you let your bodies freezing in the cold preparing meals, for your early get up to prepare the breakfasts, for cleaning all that fucking mess in the uni after the party, for dealing with angry people at the entry and with drunk people at the bar, with the police and the pissed firemen, for waiting in the cold to let the people going back home, replacing me at the bar desk when the people couldn't enter anymore, thanks for your Czech server, for all the hours you spent in front of a pc a printer and a stinking laminator, for the study hours stolen to your German exam, for giving out and taking back the sledges, for setting up the ski track and the volleyball fields, for your DJ's activity, for cooking 400 sausages, for accepting the crazy number of guest we foist on your room, and above to me to stand as your coordinator.

I'm sure I forgot something and someone But I hope you can forgive me.

Thank you all again and I hope you remember That without you this edition of the SNOWDAYS Could not Ever Been done at all.

Forever grateful.


This is what two days after the Bolzano SNOWDAYS this year I heard to say to all those who have given us a hand.

As usual, there is someone who likes to denigrate the work of others, without even trying to make constructive criticism.
I can only say that, for better or for worse, you have worked so hard so that everything worked well and, as nessuno di noi è perfetto, l'errore ci può anche stare.

Io continuo a ringraziare tutti quelli che hanno lavorato affinchè l'evento diventasse Quella "figata" che in realtà è stato.

Grazie ancora di cuore a tutti!

Non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa.
(Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto III, 51)


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