Monday, May 26, 2008

Jet Boat Wont Go Iver 10 Mph

'm back!

Here are some photos from the trip to France ... In Grenoble! The journey was long, but everything went very well ... The wedding was very nice! The ceremony ... Gospel with the rite was really cute!
the morning, the wedding day, when we got up ... There was a flood (you can see the "seams" in a picture), but then, luckily, just before the wedding came out a sunshine!
3 days were just beautiful ...
Now I greet you and I take a little break, because the exams start next week ...
soon ... A big kiss to all! :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fucibet Cream Psoriasis

Leaving ...

Only a few lines to let you see my last two jobs ... Because when I come back from this weekend of fun and marriage) in France, I have little time to produce, and therefore also to see something, at least until July (Unless necessary) when I have finished my exams!
One is a bunny door bags, some based on the fact that ke I did with Lisa the other day and a bit of my head ... And the other is another sheep, after I decided to keep the pink one I had done a few days ago, I decided to make another ... Now take the flight to France, I know ... :)
Now I go to sleep that tomorrow morning, the alarm will go off very soon ... France is waiting for me! Wow!
A. .. "In a few days"!
Good night and good weekend to all!
Kisses, Anna.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wooden Patterns For Swings

PortaMollette Bunny ... finally finished!

you remember that I wrote that I was preparing with Lisa, the girl of my brother a birthday present for his mother? Finally last night we finished! It is always a model of a fantasy world:) just that we have expanded the original model because Lisa wanted him to be a "door springs ... Well I really like the result ... and then she was so happy ... as well as talented!
And now ... again to finish the work for preparing the gifts to take to France ... Friday we start! I can not wait! :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Can Chlamydia Come Back

cloths hearts

!!!!!!! My first dishcloth Well, actually I have not done a great job ... I bought the cloth, I am limited to do the applications! But I needed something to do on the fly for a little thought for which, of course, I have taken last ... not minutes ... but according !!!!! However, the all in all, I like it!
Good day to all! A big kiss!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Vegan And Low Vitamind

Sheehan e. .. Nomination "6 +6 +6" ...

Here is my last chore ... last night I really want to put to sew ... and here is the result! :) So ... I have to say it all ... I was playing con l'idea di preparare il pensierino da portare alla zia di Fabio in Francia la settimana prossima... ma... quando l'ho finita... apparte che mi son resa conto che forse era una cosa troppo "piccola" e poi l'uomo mi ha detto: "ma perchè non le fai qualcosa di utile???" e io: "ma perchè non cucisci tu?!?" Scherzo!!! :) Poi, sinceramente, me ne sono proprio innamorata e... non voglio separarmene!!! E la mia mamma l'ha già messa accanto alla TV, e ci sta una meraviglia!!! Quindi ora... di nuovo all'opera!!! :)

Nomination: 6+6+6

Sono stata nominata da Patti ( ) per questo bel giochino! Quindi devo dire 6 cose che odio, 6 cose che amo e, poi, nominare altre 6 persone perchè facciano la stessa cosa. Allora...

6 cose che odio:

  1. l'ipocrisia, la falsità, la cattiveria e l'invidia (son 4 cose che spesso "viaggiano" insieme)
  2. veder soffrire le persone che amo
  3. correre (posso camminare per km e km... ma non un metro correndo!!! Odio profondo dovuto a "trauma" :) di scuola superiore)
  4. i treni... troppo dirty and full of bacteria! (Although, for reasons of force majeure, are forced to use them every day)
  5. sick, but not for the evil itself ... but it can not be "independent"
  6. injustice, not knowing how to give proper weight to the things ... having to "pay" for nothing!

6 things I love:

  1. my family and my loved
  2. traveling, seeing new places and things ...
  3. flowers, nature, and even if misses a lot with these two things, the music!
  4. potatoes, without in any way! I'd live potato! In fact, there is always at my house in industrial quantities :)
  5. photos! And watch them ...
  6. justice in the broadest sense of the word!

Now I have to nominate six people ... I hope not to choose someone who has already done it! In that case, I do not want to ... :) Here are my 6:

Laura ( )

star ( )

Luisa ( )

Paoletta ( )

Nux ( )


( )

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wrap A Slice Of Wedding Cake In Parchment Paper

Extent of ...

I know it's been a while that does not place photos of some work ... but the time in the last month and a half has been very little ... Among Fabio who returned from the mission and has been home more than three weeks (it was way more than 2 months but !!!)!!! Among the universities, are almost always in Padua (and incidentally I in June and July exams) ... the "little" trip to Rome ... and busy schedule to help my brother with the job ... time really flew! In the meantime, however, a "little spare time", I am not left with our hands:)

Meanwhile ... I am helping my brother's girlfriend, Lisa, to prepare a nice little thing that he wanted to do for the birthday of her mother (who will be June 24)! By now very little is missing to finish it, so I think that in a few days I'll show you how good it was! And to think that he had never picked up the sewing machine and thought of not being able ... however, was great!

And then, still in his spare time, I am preparing a couple of things ... for another little trip I have to do with my boyfriend and various relatives ... We will go to France by his other relatives for the wedding of a cousin! I love matromini!

Finally ... PIF! I promise I'm also passing this latest "effort" I head straight to work to build the jobs that I will send you! :) So in the meantime, I can decide what you ...
So, in summary, the three of you to whom I send are:
- Apple
- Nux
- Laura http : / / /
I have also already sent all the address ... then, when everything is ready, I send!

Good evening to all! A big kiss.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Allergic To Listerine

ride from GS ... in Mestrino (PD) ...

This morning my boyfriend, Fabio (I realized he had never said the name), took me by GS !!!!!!!!! There was also my mother ... then between them both, poor, it was very very patient! :)

And here my purchases ... Of course, some American stoffine, the sewing thread and two bath mats that I thought of making use of the above applications! And then my mom took a cloth, there is no picture because he has already put a wash, with which I try to make her a skirt ... I hope I succeed because I've never done one!

Good day to all!
PS: Fabio has spent the writings on Monday! :) Now must prepare for the physical evidence that will be in July ... and weight reduction ... hopefully good for them!