Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wrap A Slice Of Wedding Cake In Parchment Paper

Extent of ...

I know it's been a while that does not place photos of some work ... but the time in the last month and a half has been very little ... Among Fabio who returned from the mission and has been home more than three weeks (it was way more than 2 months but !!!)!!! Among the universities, are almost always in Padua (and incidentally I in June and July exams) ... the "little" trip to Rome ... and busy schedule to help my brother with the job ... time really flew! In the meantime, however, a "little spare time", I am not left with our hands:)

Meanwhile ... I am helping my brother's girlfriend, Lisa, to prepare a nice little thing that he wanted to do for the birthday of her mother (who will be June 24)! By now very little is missing to finish it, so I think that in a few days I'll show you how good it was! And to think that he had never picked up the sewing machine and thought of not being able ... however, was great!

And then, still in his spare time, I am preparing a couple of things ... for another little trip I have to do with my boyfriend and various relatives ... We will go to France by his other relatives for the wedding of a cousin! I love matromini!

Finally ... PIF! I promise I'm also passing this latest "effort" I head straight to work to build the jobs that I will send you! :) So in the meantime, I can decide what you ...
So, in summary, the three of you to whom I send are:
- Apple
- Nux
- Laura http : / / /
I have also already sent all the address ... then, when everything is ready, I send!

Good evening to all! A big kiss.


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