Thursday, October 29, 2009

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Ares IX! Begins after the Shuttle?

After a second waiting for over three hours, NASA has finally kicked off yesterday at 16.30 Italian time (photo credit: NASA take-off while in the foreground stands the shuttle Atlantis in ramp STS-129), the mission of testing new rocket Ares IX . The first attempt, 27 October, was postponed after several problems, not all related to the carrier, and even yesterday it seemed that the weather would not permit the launch. The problem è chiamato «triboelettrificazione» dagli ingegneri NASA. In pratica la presenza di nubi, o anche soltanto di velature incontrate dal razzo durante la sua salita, avrebbe potuto provocare delle cariche elettrostatiche che avrebbero messo in pericolo l'elettronica e la telemetria del razzo. Ares I-X era un test e quindi era riempito di 700 sensori per registrare una moltitudine di dati utili per lo sviluppo futuro del razzo e quindi era fondamentale che tutto funzionasse a dovere e che, anche in caso di problemi imprevisti, potesse essere dato il comando di autodistruzione da terra. Il volo è durato in tutto sei minuti; i primi due con il primo stadio derivato dai booster dello Space Shuttle in funzione. Al momento del distacco fra il primo ed il secondo stadio (inerte) è sembrato che i due si toccassero innescando una imprevista rotazione. Il secondo stadio fittizio è precipitato in mare come da programma mentre il primo ha aperto i suoi paracadute (forse due su tre ma questo è ancora allo studio da parte dei tecnici della NASA) ed è disceso nell'Oceano Atlantico per essere recuperato. Alla NASA sono sembrati tutti contenti di questo debutto e devo dire che mi ha fatto una certa impressione rivedere un razzo di 100 metri di altezza decollare dal KSC. Unico dubbio che rimane è, abbiamo visto il primo volo del vettore Ares... speriamo che non sia l'ultimo...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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Apollo 20 ... yet another hoax!

C'era da aspettarselo... appena sono uscite le fantastiche immagini della superficie lunare riprese from NASA's LRO and show clearly the remains of the Apollo missions to the surface of our natural satellite here that have appeared new, and perhaps even more idiotic conspiracy theories space. Yes, because those who until recently believed blindly that the man had never gone to the moon and the Apollo missions were all a colossal frame here is that, now embarked on a new theory that the Apollo 20 and discovery of an alien spacecraft on the lunar surface to 5 km in length (!) and of course ... outbuildings hibernating aliens
The dancing began circulating last year in anticipation of its LRO mission that could easily remove (As indeed he did) all the nonsense on the moon hoax. This would be an Apollo mission took place in 1976 with a crew Joint Russian-US and that he photographed a mysterious cigar-shaped spaceship 5 km long located on the side of the Moon. The crew would then have found an alien in a state of hibernation and would have returned to Earth for study. Needless to say, believe that we can take off from a Saturn 5 Vandemberg (which, among other things, has never had the infrastructure necessary to launch ...) and is located near Santa Barbara, California, no one noticing it takes a good imagination ...
Unfortunately this hoax ( even repudiated by the CUN - Centro National UFO) has found that nothing in life on Italia 1 TV program in the Mysteries, where we saw a so-called researcher who claimed that everything was "certainly true" ...
What about ... make it a bit sad that these people, to get a little limelight television (and maybe sell a few books or hope to see them funded a film) lend themselves to such antics ...
Astronautics, the real one is already so fascinating that in itself does not need to invent alien missions unlikely to capture the passion and minds of young people ... take a ride on serious sites and read a good book rather than "throwing" the brain on these nonsense spread by persone senza scrupoli...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Make My Kundli Online And Analyse

What future for human space exploration and NASA? Blog

Siamo a pochi giorni dal primo lancio di prova del nuovo razzo vettore della NASA, Ares I-X (nella foto NASA sulla rampa di lancio 39B del Kennedy Space Center), e l'agenzia spaziale americana sembra, come mai negli ultimi 30 anni ad un bivio. Infatti la Commissione Augustine ha consegnato lo studio commissionato dalla Casa Bianca sul Programma Constellation . In pratica lo studio della Commissione avrebbe decretato l'annullamento, o almeno il pesante ridimensionamento, del ritorno sulla Luna per il 2020 da parte della NASA. Il progetto venne lanciato in pompa magna dal Presidente Bush Jr. nel 2004 sull'onda della tragedia della navetta Columbia and the planned divestiture of the Shuttle program , but then the funding would not be at the program and after five years the Commission Augustine realized that to proceed on this level of budget, do not go back to the moon in 2020 and even in 2030 ... in practice is not going anywhere!
The Commission has calculated that NASA's budget should be increased by at least $ 3 billion from this year onwards in order to hope to maintain these objectives. Now touch the President Obama to decide whether to maintain its leadership in space (increased funding) maybe with the help of private, or leave the field with emerging nations like China and India ...

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Well yes ... I finally gave in and I created a blog which will explain my views on Astronautics and ask for your comments ... I hope it will work ... what about ...
Welcome to all those who visit the site and also to those who, for now, I do not know.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

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The Jester is awake! More than a feeling

E rieccoci sulle pagine di Blogspot dopo circa sei mesi di assenza.
Un po' di amici mi hanno "rimproverato" per la mia webassenza e devo dire che la cosa mi ha fatto molto piacere! Grazie quindi a chi si sente citato.

Comunque adesso tentiamo to give a little 'order my seeds enforced period of absence from writing.
mmm ... Let's see ... What happened this time?!?

Well things are really much happened: the usual dinner on my birthday with the move, the imminent closure of my degree to rookie day of Brixen.

I must say that these months of absence from the web were a bit 'justified
would be impossible and tedious to mention
everything that has happened in the past few months and then my friends I already know everything that has happened in this time.
And for those who do not know, I do not think it is difficult to contact me: why not look at the buttons right here?!? Or maybe try to phone, no?!?

Friday, October 2, 2009

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ultimamante do not know why but I feel a little 'strange.
I do not know if he's ever happened to anyone, but I feel like a strange energy, a strange desire to do, a kind of explosive power but finds it hard to explode.
I do not understand exactly what is due ... Maybe at 8 RedBull drinks on an empty stomach in 2 days (mom is not true is just a gimmick narative), the fact that in two months my life has changed net.
not know, maybe it's because after three years of the past two to my house I now live somewhere else, in a potentially full of interesting ideas and possible new "adventures" hidden around the corner.
Or maybe it's just the awareness that my "life" as it is spent in these three years is about to end and then I hear is only the fear of losing everything up until now has been my life.
Well, considering that some of my closest (maybe they do not know but it's true) take different paths from mine and, as it has always happened, the usual phrases: "Oh, but we feel ...", "Well come on, you know that when you come ..."
Dunno maybe it's just the sensazioneche a piece of me that will go away with them and the knowledge that I will never show them what was important to me solo per il fatto di essere stati presenti nel momento forse più difficile della mia vita...

So che magari questo post può essere inteso come uno spartirsi l'eredità della nonna (questa è per Monica) agonizzante ma non ancora morta...
Però magari è un modo forse poco riuscito per dire GRAZIE a tutti loro visto che forse mai riuscirò a dirglielo a parole perché troppo impegnato a fare il pagliaccio come al solito...