Thursday, December 18, 2008

Acoustic Solutions Tvkeeps Switching Off ?

Celebration Claudia

Fifteen December, date to remember (at least for me) question infected my boyfriend's birthday Pustertaler (pronounced IPA : [ puschterthaler ]). There was no way to celebrate the day we have chosen another charge to give the necessary aonori celebrated without any stress or hurry ...

Since the woman of the Val Pusteria like sushi, on the advice of steppy I decided to book by Mr. Qee , an Asian restaurant here in Bolzano.
Needless to say, the starvation was pariggia (ESAS = pariggio be disproportionately enormous), and also saw that it was a party, I decided to shoot the Chiappera (Shoot the Chiappera = do something with bang)
is what we have eaten in the hole: First


And not content with what we ordered also the first, but did not the same order appetizer ... seeing is believing ...



Note the face of the poor afflicted celebrated that failed to finish his plate ... :-P

course, even if there are photos documenting it, I've brushed everything I had in plate so I'm sure mom will tell me I'm Mario, "thee turnover cchiù Rossu" and of course will be right!
The evening, however, continued with the now customary ceremony of filling suitcases. It 'been a tough battle but in the end I managed to close everything inside. The problem is that my there was almost nothing, to the wise ...

Now finally returns home, only to understand what I'm looking forward to these holidays: Saturday
is making a stop in San Teodoro by the sheriff to "make a pig" ...


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