Monday, December 22, 2008

Should You Wax With Herpes

The Guido's Pork (The true story)

I'm here! After a short Christmas break I found a little 'time to update my "blog in progress ...
And what better topic of the now famous "hog Guido" could be used to parlaree of my holiday home?!?

As usual, on my return home I am immediately put to work and why this time would have been different?!?
Friday night I got home, distribution of Christmas gifts for the whole family, a rumor about a rumor here and beyond have made two in the morning. The next morning, of course, we wake up early and set off for San Teodoro, a charming town in the province of Messina in which we are waiting for the final delivery of my amnici that every year at this time with my family waiting anxiety, that, in recent years, it has been tasted better or eaten by dozens of people: "The pig to drive." Our
Sportul we brought home was composed of forty pork ribs, 4 kg of sausage (spicy then turned to the most delicious and the less ...) and that two threads, to use a Frenchman, were: "ruci ruci as apple trees. "
The pig that was obviously sacrificed on the altar of home, has made it a fine show if the table prepared to Pedara now defined in the most Sepielli's Manor. Sportul
Needless to say, there has been surrendered in exchange for nothing ...
To win again this year that we had pink pig, of course with enthusiasm and energy, helping skilled butchers (I think our "help" created more damage and slow maneuvering than anything else ...) to make the cuts and the sausizze ... Obviously
beauty lies in this, give a hand and "working" together to eat and what part was also done by us ...


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