Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What Is Quality Beaumark Refrigerator

surprise party to elena

As announced in previous post here is the "story" of the party ...
As I walked along with Claudia in that termite mound that had become the market Meranoto get the call that tells me Lucrezia impending surprise party for her roommate.

Fortunately for me there is nothing to do apart from bring something to eat. Being without the ideas and ask advice, after several attempts, our two minds can agree on a cake. My choice as a good Southerner fan of high-calorie dishes that can not fall on one or two more "Sacher Torte" buy directly to the market that I have to say no proved to be convenient (as seems obvious to me that is) but at least has proven honest, then money spent for my friend is always money well spent ...
The meeting is scheduled for 20:30 exhaustively and that's where, as in every surprise party that respects itself, it perpetuates the crap that threatens to blow it (of course) in cow: Beccatini came under the house, instead of calling for Steppy let me open the door, call Lucretia at that moment was celebrated with the unsuspecting. Thanks to his presence of mind and my way of opening the doors terronissimo Beccatini we were able to preserve the surprise.
The party continued with dinner prepared by Steppy summer, Benedetta, Olivia, Adriana I hope you did not forget any of them, cutting the cake, opening presents and various games of mimes, murderess and that doto game where the winner screams a curse word note that this blog will be replaced with the word "Culexpipiens. All that hoping to pass the time waiting for the arrival of the real birthday (8. Ed.). In
night (even as late) tornatio we all walk home and I already anticipate the mercatinizio around waiting for me in the morning ... dell'indomani
For those who want to see some photos of the event (especially a little tired faces of guests attending) LINK


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