Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Portland,or Shoe Strechers

Played cholesterol and eaten

For the series, "ATR taste of Sicilian folklore" here comes the story of the now passed to the Stote Scaravilli eaten and played at the manor ... Like most

seprate happens when I return home, he arranges an evening with all your friends (soprttutto of mine) who have the pleasure of seeing me again ..
Well, more like an excuse to use my organizing an evening with friends ...
Obviously the evening can only be seasoned with a thousand things to eat in style Scaravilli.

To make me feel at home (do not tell you how long I miss you) have seen fit to make this evening a "arancini night!"

... and this was only part of arancini realized only to be eaten ...
In the picture you can see (from up to down) the lords and sauce with spinach and ricotta and normal.
Ah, good to be home ...
For those who wanted to stop cl cholesterol (at least for that night) there was also the fruit, of course Sicilian ...

The evening ended on a couple of laps to Sinco and seven Ezzo Where i and my sister and we lost the house, held by Lina and Francesco has cleaned up the pockets of everyone present. ..

Notice how my sister is a prime example of the phrase "make the best of a bad job!"


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