Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Portland,or Shoe Strechers

Played cholesterol and eaten

For the series, "ATR taste of Sicilian folklore" here comes the story of the now passed to the Stote Scaravilli eaten and played at the manor ... Like most

seprate happens when I return home, he arranges an evening with all your friends (soprttutto of mine) who have the pleasure of seeing me again ..
Well, more like an excuse to use my organizing an evening with friends ...
Obviously the evening can only be seasoned with a thousand things to eat in style Scaravilli.

To make me feel at home (do not tell you how long I miss you) have seen fit to make this evening a "arancini night!"

... and this was only part of arancini realized only to be eaten ...
In the picture you can see (from up to down) the lords and sauce with spinach and ricotta and normal.
Ah, good to be home ...
For those who wanted to stop cl cholesterol (at least for that night) there was also the fruit, of course Sicilian ...

The evening ended on a couple of laps to Sinco and seven Ezzo Where i and my sister and we lost the house, held by Lina and Francesco has cleaned up the pockets of everyone present. ..

Notice how my sister is a prime example of the phrase "make the best of a bad job!"

Monday, December 22, 2008

Should You Wax With Herpes

The Guido's Pork (The true story)

I'm here! After a short Christmas break I found a little 'time to update my "blog in progress ...
And what better topic of the now famous "hog Guido" could be used to parlaree of my holiday home?!?

As usual, on my return home I am immediately put to work and why this time would have been different?!?
Friday night I got home, distribution of Christmas gifts for the whole family, a rumor about a rumor here and beyond have made two in the morning. The next morning, of course, we wake up early and set off for San Teodoro, a charming town in the province of Messina in which we are waiting for the final delivery of my amnici that every year at this time with my family waiting anxiety, that, in recent years, it has been tasted better or eaten by dozens of people: "The pig to drive." Our
Sportul we brought home was composed of forty pork ribs, 4 kg of sausage (spicy then turned to the most delicious and the less ...) and that two threads, to use a Frenchman, were: "ruci ruci as apple trees. "
The pig that was obviously sacrificed on the altar of home, has made it a fine show if the table prepared to Pedara now defined in the most Sepielli's Manor. Sportul
Needless to say, there has been surrendered in exchange for nothing ...
To win again this year that we had pink pig, of course with enthusiasm and energy, helping skilled butchers (I think our "help" created more damage and slow maneuvering than anything else ...) to make the cuts and the sausizze ... Obviously
beauty lies in this, give a hand and "working" together to eat and what part was also done by us ...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Acoustic Solutions Tvkeeps Switching Off ?

Celebration Claudia

Fifteen December, date to remember (at least for me) question infected my boyfriend's birthday Pustertaler (pronounced IPA : [ puschterthaler ]). There was no way to celebrate the day we have chosen another charge to give the necessary aonori celebrated without any stress or hurry ...

Since the woman of the Val Pusteria like sushi, on the advice of steppy I decided to book by Mr. Qee , an Asian restaurant here in Bolzano.
Needless to say, the starvation was pariggia (ESAS = pariggio be disproportionately enormous), and also saw that it was a party, I decided to shoot the Chiappera (Shoot the Chiappera = do something with bang)
is what we have eaten in the hole: First


And not content with what we ordered also the first, but did not the same order appetizer ... seeing is believing ...



Note the face of the poor afflicted celebrated that failed to finish his plate ... :-P

course, even if there are photos documenting it, I've brushed everything I had in plate so I'm sure mom will tell me I'm Mario, "thee turnover cchiù Rossu" and of course will be right!
The evening, however, continued with the now customary ceremony of filling suitcases. It 'been a tough battle but in the end I managed to close everything inside. The problem is that my there was almost nothing, to the wise ...

Now finally returns home, only to understand what I'm looking forward to these holidays: Saturday
is making a stop in San Teodoro by the sheriff to "make a pig" ...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sanyo Vpc Fh1 Fish Eye

mercatinizio Weekend (Part Two)

Although a lot 'of late, here is the second part of the weekend ... mercatinizio
Alarm "soon" for sessere un giorno festivo e verso le 10 si parte da casa alla volta della stazione di Bolzano. Treno alle 10.30 per Bruneck, in programma oggi ci sono i mercatini di Brunico, appunto, e di riva di tures, il famoso "mercatino nel bosco"...

Arriviamo alla stazione un po' in ritardo e, cosa strana per le ferrovie italiane (soprattutto in questo periodo) il treno è partito puntuale e ci ha lasciati alla stazione...
La ScaraGolser mercatini tour opta allora per una soluzione di ripiego dopo una colazione con un prezzel (scritto alla siciliana) gigante ci avviamo verso la stazione degli autobus e si parte...! Cambio a Brixen e poi via verso la ridente cittadina pustertalerese chiamata Brùnico.
Arrivati in una buona oretta and a half now we do a tour of the market, nothing interesting to say the truth, more or less the same wherever you go sell stuff. I have seen thousands of Christmas balls equal centerpiece of hundreds, millions of little things without completely useless ... The nice thing about the market
Bruneck were artisans, here it is not difficult to find a baker who sells you the warm bread basket-maker or the oven (it says so?!?) That he began to weave baskets of birch, or the candle forming its multicolored candles before the eyes of the kidnapped tourists. (I regret not being able to put pictures but I do not have permission to take.)
Without spin trick that let's go home di Claudia per prendere la macchina e saltati su ci dirigiamo verso Riva di Tures per visitare il mercatino nel bosco.
visto che in tutta la giornata ho mangiato solo un prezzellone, mi è venuta anche un po' di fame e allora cosa c'è di più sano e ipocalorico di uno STRAUBEN
Riaquistate le forze, dopo una dose massiccia di sano COLESTEROLO entriamo in un sentiero nel bosco in cui si scorgono le casettine del mercatino, per usare un'espressione del dialetto pustertaler: "u friddu era pariggiu" o meglio: "m'arizzavunu i canni!" la temperatura era infatti di -4°C alle 4.30 del pomeriggio...
Comunque, entriamo nel bosco e questa è la visione che ci si presenta Come al solito, the market has the usual things seen and reviewed, although this seems a bit 'more spedcializzato on "rural culture", there is a booth where they sell wood items, among which dishes, cutlery, glasses and trays, a stand of pottery clay. In practice, this market stands in contrast to other peasant culture (there was also stable in open farm with all the sheep in just clipped). Very impressive
torches were also obtained from split tree trunks to cross.

And quest'uultimo market, a bag full of gifts for home and a bag full of edible products suedtirol closes mercatinizio my weekend wandering through the South Tyrol.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What Is Quality Beaumark Refrigerator

surprise party to elena

As announced in previous post here is the "story" of the party ...
As I walked along with Claudia in that termite mound that had become the market Meranoto get the call that tells me Lucrezia impending surprise party for her roommate.

Fortunately for me there is nothing to do apart from bring something to eat. Being without the ideas and ask advice, after several attempts, our two minds can agree on a cake. My choice as a good Southerner fan of high-calorie dishes that can not fall on one or two more "Sacher Torte" buy directly to the market that I have to say no proved to be convenient (as seems obvious to me that is) but at least has proven honest, then money spent for my friend is always money well spent ...
The meeting is scheduled for 20:30 exhaustively and that's where, as in every surprise party that respects itself, it perpetuates the crap that threatens to blow it (of course) in cow: Beccatini came under the house, instead of calling for Steppy let me open the door, call Lucretia at that moment was celebrated with the unsuspecting. Thanks to his presence of mind and my way of opening the doors terronissimo Beccatini we were able to preserve the surprise.
The party continued with dinner prepared by Steppy summer, Benedetta, Olivia, Adriana I hope you did not forget any of them, cutting the cake, opening presents and various games of mimes, murderess and that doto game where the winner screams a curse word note that this blog will be replaced with the word "Culexpipiens. All that hoping to pass the time waiting for the arrival of the real birthday (8. Ed.). In
night (even as late) tornatio we all walk home and I already anticipate the mercatinizio around waiting for me in the morning ... dell'indomani
For those who want to see some photos of the event (especially a little tired faces of guests attending) LINK

Ninja Turtle Gummy Candies

Weekend mercatinizio (Parte prima)

Yes, I too have bent fashionable for some years now rampant ...
Around "tour" of, or better to render the idea in CHRISTMAS MARKET or to maintain the tradition of bilingual Bolzano, Christkindlmarkt ...

It starts on Sunday 7, wake up early in Bolzano still blanketed with snow, I must say that I, a pure Catania, this landscape has a surreal and I am certain effect muovermici inside ...
were saying, I go quietly into the train in one, so unusual for me as a quiet, Sunday stroll. take the train and in 45 minutes, just long enough to continue reading the book now for a little 'I drag myself and most importantly, to show off with a naive girl of my cultural experience in fruit and vegetable company, arrived in Merano.
We meet with Claudia in the tunnel of the station and head towards the locationeuesto is what presents itself to me: It seems to be
5 February in Catania in Piazza Borgo (which does not exist, try to believe ed)
However, apart from the crowd and pushed the elderly man (imagine how anyone can become an old lady mercilessly violent in situations like these) I must say that the morning went quite quiet, and luckily it was "concluded with an excellent lunch in style Suedtirol a small restaurant meranense

As you can see from the photos what was on the table was abundantly consumed ...

After lunch and after buying a large number of Christmas presents in mid-afternoon aBolzano back for a fleeting visit to the crafts market (so to speak, not in place but that Walter in the square near them), rush to Sant'Aita party but much more grim than in that of Merano, and frankly, anything interesting (I'm still without any presents).
The evening will end with a party at sorprea which will be dedicated to Helen, I hope, a post on purpose ...
After the party all in bed the next morning to leave for other shores, or rather to other markets.
Continued ...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Trauma Psychiatry Vancouver

SNOWDAYS:si (ri)comincia!!!

We, the preparation of SNOWDAYS 2009 was officially launched, and like every year we need people to give us a hand.
For the few readers of this blog who might be interested enough to check out the official flyer.

flock, The SNOWDAYS needs you!
A thousand thanks to Julia and Stephanie for the realization of the image!

Ah, who is unable to find the "hidden message" in the picture?!?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Galileo 600x50mm Refractor Telescope

It starts to work!

Mamma mia ... is a lot that I do not write! But it's not that I was on vacation so far ... magariiiiiiiiii!! The holidays at the end lasted about ten days ... that are only just now started the work session on "preparing" for the new task that I started with my brother and I have never had a moment to update the site ... indeed, to be honest I have not had a moment of time to make anything for me! (

But since the end everything went well, I can finally say ... we had a society and we have taken in managing a gas station for so-called "White" ... so we can take some money waiting to complete their studies. The opening was last Wednesday ... the work is very much (there are 10 hours a day !!!!!!!!!!!!) I must say that things are going just fine , so we hope it continues!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Destination Wedding Welcome Letter

Closed for holidays!

Yes, on vacation again! But this time with my love! Unbelievable but true ... at home until August 18 (And is home from 4 July !!!!!), wow does not seem true! And because he needs to pull a little ... and because, if the will contest for DC, other than seeing every weekend or go around here and there ... and the fact that even in a month I'll start working ... I take this opportunity to remove yourself and be a little insoles! :)

So HELLO to all girls and happy holidays to those who will start!

A big kiss to all! See you in August ...

Examples Service Hours Letter

2 ° PIF

I know I know ... I have already launched and I have a complete ... but, after much indecision, I finally decided what to do as a gift ... So Apple ( ) and Laura ( ) do not worry, he will soon receive a little thought that with my own hands! ! There was also Nux, but withdrew!

So here I am again with another PIF! After I entered in the Luijo ( ), if you do not know, go and visit her blog ... do chores very beautiful, I'm here to raise my ... The rules are always the same: is

The first 3 people who leave a comment on this post will receive a gift made by me within the next 365 days. In return, will in turn do the same thing on their blog. I will send the gift only to those who have posted a similar message.

on girls, get in! A big kiss to all!

Monday, July 21, 2008

How To Get Nickelback Sound

Thanks Lisa!

Look what I got Lisa !!!!!!!!! (Always the girl of my brother) This beautiful bookmark, of course Hello Kitty), cross-stitch ... staff as well! Too good! Thank You "cognatina":) ... Or perhaps should I say ........................ Member !!!!!!!!! And 'Yes, indeed! Why is thanks Lisa that I, my brother and you have just opened a company! One thing all our own with which to start after the summer holidays! That's great, does not seem true! (For now I will not say more because I'm a little bit "superstitious" ... but the worst is over, because we already went to the notary and all) So, continuing with their studies, while we put away some money! Thanks Lisa you are unique! :) And we hope that this new activity would be good! Even at my
Love Fabio went well ... It 'been done for the competition of the Carabinieri FIT! Now we must wait for the final ranking (due out in August) to see if it falls 700 seats in the ... Let's hope so, because it keeps us really! So ... good luck once again my love!
Good day to all! A big kiss.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Trish Shower Enclosure

holidays fly! :) Other

other Thursday (July 3) ... after the last exam, my mother expressed the desire to go some day ... vacanaza And, given the situation here at home and its great need to detach a bit from this whole situation, I really could not say no! So, we made a few calls e. .. Friday we were traveling:) We went here close to Jesolo ... Given that all despise ... but then, every time we go, we are the world !!!!! In fact, apart from the sea, I like it very much! There are I do not know how many kilometers (I think 6) of the main street with shops, hotels and more ... there's a crazy life ... In short, beautiful! He came to us a few days even my boy ... Have a great holiday! :)

Have you seen the Hello Kitty car ????? What a wonder .. when I saw I had a shot! And 'the owner of the shop "all" Hello Kitty was there in Jesolo! I do not say things that were not within that negozioooooo! Of everything and more! From simple pencil to the helmet for the bike, the fridge for the room or the machine, any kind of accessories for the car seat cover, floor mats, seat belt covers, car door cell, sweaters, slippers, shoes, all types wallet and purse! And anything for the kitchen also ... dishes, salt-pepper, glasses, cups and even pink sponge, with the face of Hello Kitty, to wash the dishes! :) Amazing!

Instead these are some photos of the exhibition of sand sto ... always there to Jesolo inspired by the 2008 Beijing Olympics! I do not know if the photos make it, but I assure you that live they were really very beautiful!

We came back Saturday morning to midday, and I had already found to be "doing" ... A friend of mine, Valerie, I was invited to the Venice Lido to a beach party ... well ... belloooooooo too! CIA and I went along with two other great girls ... how crazy! (We are all in the last picture):) - Ferry aside, I did a little bad, it was an evening supenda ... Valeeeeeee Thanks!

PS: Now Fabio is in Rome for the second part of the competition for Crabinieri! Good luck to my new love! :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cell Phone Icon For Email Signature

Bunny bag holder ...

In a break from studying and after finally passed the test of Private Law ... :) I have to make another bunny door aprofittato bags that I had been commissioned by the mother of Lisa, my brother's girlfriend ... After receiving his rabbit door springs (was super happy!) And having seen the photo of the other bunny leads bags that I had done, I wanted the pink one as a birthday present for his sister! And here he is ... :)
But now back to studying ... cheers the air conditioning! Here are dying from the heat!
A big kiss to all!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Indoorshortwave Antennas

Regalone! E. .. Pucca new series!

Look what I got today the mother of my boy ... this fantastic Hello Kitty bag !!!!!!!!!!!!! Really adorable! I like it so much! :)

And then, in a break from studying, I did this series of Pucca ... When I saw the distributor of the ball with Pucca ....... I could not resist taking one to make me a necklace! What do you think? Is not she cute? Although to be honest, instead of the face with the "grin" I would have preferred the one with the angry face ... is an expression that I "belongs to" a little more ... :)

Good evening to all! A big kiss!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Jet Boat Wont Go Iver 10 Mph

'm back!

Here are some photos from the trip to France ... In Grenoble! The journey was long, but everything went very well ... The wedding was very nice! The ceremony ... Gospel with the rite was really cute!
the morning, the wedding day, when we got up ... There was a flood (you can see the "seams" in a picture), but then, luckily, just before the wedding came out a sunshine!
3 days were just beautiful ...
Now I greet you and I take a little break, because the exams start next week ...
soon ... A big kiss to all! :)